Chapter Ten

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Hey guys! Look! I finally posted! :D Sorry for such the long wait. I lose motivation to write until someone starts talking to me about stories they write or my story or books or anything along those lines. SO if you want me to update faster, leave a comment or send me a message, I'd love to talk to you guys :)


“Emily! Zandra!” I hear my dad call from somewhere downstairs.

"COMING!” we scream at him, before looking back down on the photo album we were working on. Sprawled out on my bedroom floor, we gaze at a hundred or so pictures spread out on the ground. Every year we make a photo album that reflects everything we’ve done throughout it, and then on New Year’s Day we look over the pictures as a reminder of good times, and motivation to achieve much in the following year. Usually though our mom’s start the album, so it’s already mostly done by the time we get home from school. However, since both of them passed away two years ago, Zan and I took on the task and we’re getting better every time we make it.

“Do you think we’ll finish it in time?” she asks, standing up and stretching.

“Probably,” I respond, shutting the album. I glance around at my neat room, glad to be home finally. I missed the window seat that I could read for hours in, and my own personal bathroom. You don’t really appreciate it that much until you’ve got to share a bathroom with a couple hundred girls; it really puts stuff into perspective.

I follow Zan down the stairs and into the sitting room where our dads are watching TV.

“What’s up?” Zan asks, flopping down on to the floor. I step over her to sit on the unoccupied couch.

“We were thinking about having a couple people and their family’s over for a Christmas party, do you guys want to plan it?” my dad asks.

“Oh my gosh, yes!” squeals Zan.

“Sure, why not?” I respond shrugging. “Who were you going to invite?”

“Not entirely sure yet, we’ll give you a list thought,” Dad replies. “Hey Frank, think the Humbles would want to come?” Dad asks, talking to Zan’s father.

“Probably, but they’ve got a couple little ones,” Frank frowns, furrowing his brow trying to remember.

“Annabel and May, they’re four and six,” Dad reminds him.

“Oh, I love little kids!” I exclaim. “We’re inviting them!”

“Yeah, we can find stuff for them to do,” enthuses Zan.

“Alright, might as well,” Frank shrugs. Zan and I dash upstairs to begin planning the party.

We decided to have the party on the 18th of December, a full week before Christmas. I’m not sure exactly who’s coming to this party; all I know is that Zan and I had to make dinner for fourteen and prepare for two little kids. There was so much food to be made that we couldn’t fit it all in my refrigerator, so we stored it in Zan’s. It was pretty easy to get to it-there was a door that led into the side yard from my kitchen, and Zan’s house also had a side door right there that lead into their kitchen, so we passed back and forth without any problems. 

We discovered that while we were at school, our dads became good friends with the Diggorys, so they came over a little early to help set up. Mrs. Diggory, or Kelly as she told us to call her, Zan and I were doing all of the cooking for now, seeing as the men in our house burn everything they touch, save for one. This one would be her son, Cedric, who goes to Hogwarts with us. He’s helping make the salad while Zan and I dart around the kitchen, trying to make things perfect while making small talk at the same time.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2013 ⏰

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