Chapter Five

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The next morning I sleep in late, so my roommates know something’s up. I never sleep in late. When I wake up finally I’m really pale, and slightly shaking. “Are you okay Emily?” Sarah asks me, concerned. I clamp a hand over my mouth and sprint to the bathroom. I throw up violently into the toilet, and a concerned looking Zan holds my hair back.

“Not really,” I finally respond weakly. Zan appraises me, and then slips an arm around me. “Come on, we’re going to get you changed, and then I’m going to take you to the nurse. You’re obviously sick.”

“No, we’ve got that game today,” I protest as Hally grabs some clothes for me. However I’m too sick to resist any further as I change and my friends take me to the nurse.

“Hmmmm, curious…” Madam Pomfrey says, standing over me.

“What?” I ask, dreary. My roommates have already left to go get ready for their day.

“Did you know you are allergic to pumpkins?” I blink at her, confused.

“Uh, well I do now. That’s so strange, I haven’t had this reaction before, and I’ve been drinking pumpkin juice since I was little.”

She thinks for a moment then says, “You used to live in America, right?”

“Um, yeah…” I say, not sure what that has do to with this.

“Well the pumpkin juice there isn’t nearly as strong as ours. You drank it for the first time last night, right?” I nod my head, then instantly regret it; movement of anything makes my vision swim and go fuzzy at the edges. I feel terrible, my stomach is a mess, and I’ve got a splitting headache. “I’ll give you some medicine for it, but you’re going to have to stay here for two days,” she informs me, bustling away to get my medicine. I stare up at the ceiling, frozen in distress. My quidditch match against Ravenclaw is tonight, which I can’t go to if I’m stuck here in bed.

I try to explain this to her when she comes back, but she won’t have it. “You won’t be fine to walk ANYWHERE until Monday, even then you might be a little unsteady on your feet. Speaking of which, this will knock you out for a while, and you might wake up disoriented.” I sigh and lay back down, defeated. I take the medicine and slowly drift off to the realm of dreams…

I woke up with blurry eyesight. I blink and refocus on a girl sitting in a chair reading a book called Tables Turned. She has blue eyes and chocolate brown hair, and I feel as if I should know her. I frown and she looks up and smiles at me. “Hey there sleepy,” she says while setting the book down. I just stare, not sure what to say. “Hello? Emily? Come back to earth!” she teases me. ‘Her name is Zan,’ I remember suddenly.

I grin sleepily at her, “Hey, couldn’t remember your name for a scary second there.” She laughs; it’s a pleasant tinkling sound, like bells. I smile listening to it, only coming back to reality when I realize I missed a question she asked me. “What?”

“I SAID that’s your medicine kicking in. How are you feeling?”

“Uh, really tired. And my head is pretty stuffy. Hey, can you go watch the game for me, and let me know what happens?”  I ask, remembering that I play something….called something or other.

“Aw. Of course I’ll go. Well, I think you have a visitor waiting, so you won’t be lonely. Madam Pomfrey’s only letting in one person at a time to keep you from getting too excited. Feel better; I’ll see you in probably an hour.” I watch her dance out of the room, and then listen to her give a short scream after the door closes.

I see a slightly round woman come bustling out of a door at the end of the bed filled room I’m in. She walks towards me and smiles then asks, “Hello dear, how are you feeling?”

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