Dat dildo (Part two)

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A day filled with movies and bonding like there was no murder case and we could actually just live. Seeing as I was working to the schedule of a week in my head, I had to make everyday count. I wasn't too keen on the idea of telling Pete I thought he only had a week. I only wanted to make him feel special which is why I was taking him out somewhere out of town. We took a rather empty train out of the city and sat near the end talking quietly. He had his hood up to hide himself and I was dressed in very casual clothes.

Pete felt safe enough to take his hood down when we got off the train and I couldn't help but smile that around me he seemed to feel safer. From our day of becoming friends, I couldn't not take him out for his favorite food. I looked up the best pizzeria outside of Illinois and his eyes lit up when he saw it.

"Thank you Patrick!" He squealed and wrapped his arms around me. I laughed and dragged him inside. We sat down at a table by the window to see busy shoppers rushing around in the evening glow. A waitress came over pretty quickly to take our order because this place had great service. She left with I think the wrong idea as to why we were here together. But to be honest, I didn't care.

"At least your depressing job pays well huh?" I laughed.

"Yeah it means I can treat you for however long until the case closes..." I felt a little sad but Pete smiled sympathetically.

"Thank you Patrick, you are wonderful." I looked up from the napkin and into his eyes. Gorgeous shimmering eyes lined by a ring of smudgey black. Him soft looking lips curved perfectly and- shit I'm staring at his lips. I looked back at his eyes and he had one eyebrow raised and a cocky expression on his face. I could feel myself blushing and turned away to see the food being brought to us like a ship in an dark sea of awkward.

"Better than the prison food then?" Pete barely breathed as he absorbed his pizza.

"Fuck, sorry I just haven't anything this good in like a year." He slowed down and tried to clean up the mess he had made with his napkin whilst I laughed. "You know the last time I even went out was my last date with Mikey..." Everything about his body language changed to depressed.

"Hey, I know after all that's happened it might seem stupid to say especially since it's definitely not the usual circumstances but, you did have a hard breakup. You were hurt and he did leave you. You are still hurt by it and not over him despite everything else. And that's okay. But you need to do something to move on and not waste the time that's left on him."

"How do I do that?" Tears were threatening to water his cheeks and I grabbed his hand trying to prevent that from happening.

"Focus on something else, someone else."

"How do I find someone? When I'm like this?" A tear fell and I wiped it with my other hand holding his face. "Patrick tell me honestly how long you think I have left?" I sighed, knowing I couldn't lie to him.

"A week..."

"How am I supposed to do anything with my life in a week? Let alone find someone."

"Don't see it as a problem. You have to think that that's all the time you've got, therefore, don't let anything hold you back. Don't think things are happening too fast or it's too soon, because there's not time to do that. Do what will make you happy. Take today, I've known you 24 hours and you're moving in with me." He seemed slightly excited as his eyes lit up and I moved back and returned both my hands to my side of the table.

"So, I can stay with you?"

"For as long as needed."

There were no more tears and the mood was lifted once again. Yet as we continued to eat and chat, I couldn't help but feel like my speech had applied to me almost as much as Pete...

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