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Upon further investigation, the lawyer Patrick Stump had committed a federal offence. During his case against the now deceased criminal Peter Lewis Kingston Wentz the third, the lawyer was later discovered to be in a relationship with the accused.

Although Patrick did carry out the case substantially and correctly, upon the closing of the case Patrick Stump acted entirely inappropriately and what some would call insane. He was seen crying in court on the final day and whilst running through the building, stopped to assault his clients Gerard Arthur Way and Frank Anthony Iero. Patrick then proceeded to enter the room with Pete and the officers finalizing the death penalty. Patrick Stump's actions were clearly suspicious as he refused to leave the room, so adamant that he would be handcuffed if he could stay.

When the others left the room, the two men, criminal and lawyer, showed each other affection in the form of intimacy. It was viewed on CCTV camera by the others who had been in the room. This was when an inquiry was made to investigate the relation between Pete and Patrick.

Patrick was arrested for assault against Gerard and Frank and this was also an opportunity to begin tracking Mr Stump. Patrick made his phone call to John Eading Clark, the lawyer for Mr Wentz and one of the people in the room earlier that day. John bailed Mr Stump out of jail only on the deal that Mr Stump would pay him back triple.

Once Patrick was freed. He went straight to a firearms shop where he purchased a hand held pistol. Afterwards, going straight to the bank where he paid half of his entire savings account (Reaching numbers in the hundreds of thousands) for him and Mr Wentz to be burried together on the river bank beside an unknown bridge. Despite not knowing the name of the bridge, Mr Stump could give the exact coordinates so the request was finalized. Patrick then paid out a hefty sum of money to the mother of Mr Wentz. The police intercepted this to find a note attached reading:

Your Son loved you, and will forever be sorry.

As will I.

The package was granted to go through. Finally Mr Stump paid the rest of all the money in his bank to Mr Clark. Paying him back over ten times the bail.

When Mr Stump returned home, he did not eat but slept until the next day, the day of Pete's death. Upon looking further back, records show that Patrick had been the one to bail Pete out of prison and even had Mr Wentz staying with him in his home.

Mr Stump can be seen at the back of the courtyard at the execution of Pete Wentz. On the footage you can see him communicate something to Pete before he holds the firearm up to his head and fires just as Pete is hung.

All evidence gathered shows that Patrick stump, although committing an offence, did no foul play regarding carrying out the case. He simply acted out of order. And since he committed suicide and relinquished all his money, there are to be no actions carried out against him. His final wishes will be carried out as him and Pete Wentz are buried by the bridge as specified.

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