Case open, case shut.

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I was the last in the courtroom once everyone had left. The case was shut. Pete had been given the death sentence. Last night was our last night together. I don't care about my life anymore. I don't need it and it means nothing to me. Not without Pete. They can take me and lock me up, or kill me, I don't care. And seeing as I won't care, I'm doing what I want now.

I ran through the halls and past the Way family who wanted to congratulate me. Seeing as the hall was mildly empty I did a quick U-Turn back to Gerard and Frank. Gerard held his hand out for me to shake, with a big, smug grin plastered on his selfish face. Without shaking his hand, I literally slapped the smirk right off his face and proceeded to punch his 'innocent' little boyfriend in the nose. Before I could be grabbed, I continued on my journey to where they would be arranging Pete's death with Pete.

Bursting through the door, I was met by the confused eyes of five people. One of them stricken with tears.


"Pete..." I breathed running in and into his chest.

"Stump?" I heard Clark beside us say and ignored him for the time being. Pete rested his head on mine and I wrapped my arms around his back. He was handcuffed yet still tried his best to hug me in any which way he could.

"Mr Stump, you are not allowed in here. I will have to remo-"

"I'm staying." I said sternly and coldly to the apparent shock of the others.

"But it's completely ridiculous, you can't stay."

"Then handcuff me too. But I am not, leaving this room!" There was silence until one of the detectives nodded at the guard who, after prying my hands off of Pete, attached a pair of cuffs to my wrists as well.

"Back to what were discussing..." The other detective begun while glaring at me with gritted teeth. "I know we address the death sentence as three choices, but the third one is practically unattainable and absurd!"

"Well I'm not being hung, I tried that one before myself thanks. I'm not getting any peaceful passing because you're all out of the medical equipment needed!" Pete screamed back and I was slightly upset I couldn't hold his hand or rub his back.

"Why aren't you doing anything to help?" I whispered to Clack as I leaned to him.

"Look at him! He just won't listen to me... I can't do anything."

"Mr Wentz, we also don't have a ready made guillotine!" The woman was getting agitated by Pete's behaviour now that I probably would've called childish some days a gao. But now I felt completely the same and took a step closer to him.

"Well that's great for fucking you, but why the fuck are you going to give me an option, without fucking options!"

"I need a break..." She declared standing up and being followed out the room by the other four. Clark stopped at the door and turned to me.

"You coming Stump?"

"Let me try and talk to him." I whispered and he nodded, before closing the door.

Pete slumped down in the corner, sniveling and I went over to him, kneeling in front of him.

"I'm so sorry Pete, this is all my fault..."

"Patrick no, we've been over this before. This is not your fault." He rose to his knees and faced me like I did him.

"I can't lose you... I began crying and looked down. My tears fell and hit the hard floor and my eyes closed shut.

"Hey, hey... Patty..." I heard the small coo of Pete a lot closer than he was before. I opened my eyes and he was bent in an awkward position so that he could see my eyes from under me. One of my tears fell onto his cheek and as I watched it roll down his soft skin, he moved up to close the distance between us.

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