::5:: Thrown to the Wolves (Part 1)

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Music is Silver for Monsters from The Witcher 3 OST. Play it!


The next morning, when I went to the music room, Elise was waiting by the doors again. "Josef reported that your Medium is ready," she said in lieu of a greeting.

"Really? That fast?" I fought to keep the caustic tone out of my voice. 

"As I've told you, Josef is one of the best Tinkers around," Elise replied easily. "You shouldn't be surprised at his ability to craft something within such a short span of time."

I stilled my tongue. Elise looked like she had absolute faith in Josef, whether for good or bad. If I spoke out against him, I would only get brushed aside.

Elise had already trailed away into the distance when a gust from an open window blasted me in the face. I hobbled along with my crutches, struggling to catch up. Although I've already been here for a full month, everyone still couldn't help but cast side glances at me as I walked by. Or more specifically, at my leg. Thank goodness I hadn't been assigned any maidservants—Elise had taught me how to dress and wash myself with the aid of magic.

Once we were admitted into the Tinkers' workshop, Josef came bounding towards us. The wide grin plastered onto his face betrayed nothing of last night's incident. His limpid brown eyes were merry, and his muscles were completely relaxed, no subtle tension laced in them. I didn't let my guard down. One of the first rules to escaping trouble was to always be ready, and to always observe, so that you could notice the signs when someone was about to lash out.

"Here is the lady's Medium." Josef held out a long and slender bundle, wrapped in coarse, leathery fabric. I took it and undid the wrappings. It fell away to reveal a flute. But not just any flute.

My flute.

There were new engravings along the wood, and it looked like it had been polished and smoothened out. However, I could still recognise the comforting crookedness of the homemade affair, the scent of the unprofessional hands that had crafted it caressing my skin. I turned the flute around to inspect all of its angles, running my fingers both lightly and desperately over it at the same time. No, it couldn't be—but it was.

My flute had been salvaged, and it was here. My beloved flute was here. For the first time in a long time, I smiled.

The smile died out when I saw the dangerous glint in Josef's eyes. "How did you find this?" I asked.

"Find? Oh no, milady, a second hand would never do for you." I didn't fail to detect the trace of malevolence in his voice. "I made it myself, and I'm sure that you'll take very good care of it. After all, you are a brilliant Magus." He smiled a wolf's smile. Witchling. The sting of his insult last night surged throughout me, making me grit my teeth in frustration. He wouldn't act in such a bold manner if he wasn't sure that Elise trusted him wholly.

"I will. Thank you, Josef." I clutched my flute—now imbued with the power of a Medium—to my chest.

"The pleasure is mine." His eyes were hard, out of place with his easy-going smile. But I got the warning: Stay out of everything, don't speak if you know what's good for you.

"We'll have to get back to our lessons now," Elise said, oblivious to the understated exchange of poison between Josef and I. "Good day, Josef."

"And to you." Josef gave us a quick bow before wheeling on his heel and returning to his work. Meanwhile, I followed Elise back to the music room in a daze, just aware of what the returning of my flute meant.

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