A worthy mate

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I do not own Inuyasha or any of their characters only, Mistuke and various others.


Blood was in the air. I could smell its sickly sweet scent gathering in the darker parts of the forest, but that wasn’t what captured my attention. It was the fact that the sweet blood I smelt, was her blood. The one person that I had let get close to me and see past my defenses, the one person that I told about my past, the one person that I let see my face.  And the fact that her blood was now perforating the air , made my blood boil.

I was not one to get angered quickly. Actually, some might say, I was cold and emotionless because of the way I presented myself but someone important to me was hurt and whoever did it would have hell to pay.

3rd POV

The night sky was glittering with the radiant shine of the stars and the full moon. Upon a hill in the eastern lands stood a woman watching the sky. She gazed longingly upon the stars, almost as if she wish she could grow wings and fly into the sky to join them. Her violet eyes glowing dimly as she watched with unshed tears building up.

It was not normal for her to feel so vulnerable and show emotions. For many that knew her, she was always calm but detached, never letting personal feelings show upon any subject, but tonight was a different case. Tonight was significant.

The woman recomposed herself and a quick veil flew over her eyes, making them shine a bright silver before turning back to violet. She didn’t have time to wallow in her thoughts and revisit past memories. She had responsibilities and other important matters to attend to. After all being, the legendary general of the eastern armies wasn’t a small job.

She was constantly engaged in battles or was scouting the territories making sure no other demons were causing chaos. Though she was often busy, the job was fairly easy, especially when you’re a powerful half-demon.

The wind begin to blow gently and it carried with it the scent of blood. The woman stiffened and her eyes narrowed to slits as her eyes flashed a dangerous electric blue. There was blood spilt in her land, and it was the blood of someone she cared about more than anything.

She turned away from the hill, moving swiftly towards the source of the blood. Though she moved gracefully and seemed calm , she was the furthest from it. Tonight was not the night to anger her and she would make sure that whoever cause her to spill blood, would be pleading for death when she was done with them. They didn’t call her the Blood Fang of The East for nothing.

Mitsuke POV

My heart pounded in my chest making my pulse thrum erratically in my body. It wasn’t just anger that had me so alert, but an emotion that I had thought I could never experience again. FEAR. The thought that she was hurt or dying, made my blood run cold and made my feet run faster. She couldn’t die. I wouldn’t allow it. I may have met her just once, but I knew from the moment we met that she would bring about a change in my destiny and she has. Ever since that meeting, I haven’t felt so alone in the world anymore. I felt that no matter where, she was there still thinking of me, remembering me, caring for me and the idea that I could lose her and that special feeling overwhelmed me.

Even though she is only just a child, I felt like she understood me and my past. She was special and I vowed that whenever she needed me, that I would come, no matter where or when. All she had to do was call. She may not have asked for me to come, but her blood on the wind was enough of a message to send my barreling through the dark forest where I finally come upon her and a battle.

She was bleeding from her arms, as a strange demon had struck her with his claws and was holding her imprisoned in a cage made from his arms. Her face was stained with tears and you could see the fear showing in her eyes.

A worthy mateOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora