Chapter Seven: Idiot

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Mitsuke's POV

I stared at the half-demon before me, my mind briefly going over all the thoughts that I had seen just moments before. Whenever I healed someone close to death it required not only the repairing of the body but also the reconnection of the soul.

His body had already died and his soul was close to leaving, so in order to save him I had to share my life essence. In a sense, we bonded. When two souls meet, in anyway they formed an irrevocable bond that could never be broken. I saw all of his life memories and in turned he saw mine.

He was just like me. Born into a world, where those around you hate you for what you are. Never being good enough in the eyes of those you seek approval of. Being an outcast and excluded from the rest of society. We had shared so much in common and yet we had turned out differently. He turned out loud, rude and angry, while I was quiet and emotionless, but still. We were cut from the same cloth.

After moments of staring at each other, our eyes both seeking a message that we understood what this meant now. He was as a part of my life, as I was his. It didn't mean we had to like each other, we could hate each other all we want but there would always be a connection that would tie me to him. Regardless or not if I wanted it to.

I broke eye contact with him and turned to look in the path of destruction I had caused earlier, towards the River of Two Souls. How could I have been so foolish as to connect my soul with this idiot? He was now a weakness and that pissed me off.

I growled silently to myself, not liking how this turned out when suddenly I heard him speak.

"Thank you" He murmured softly, his head turned to the side avoiding eye contact.

At first, I glared at him but slowly my glare softened. His mannerisms reminded me of a young child and I couldn't help but to feel a sibling affection towards him. I'm bound to him, there's no point in fighting against it.

"You're welcomed" I replied back softly, allowing just the smallest amount of niceness to seep through my words.

His head immediately snapped towards me, and his eyes widened. He blushed a little before turning his head again and said "Yeah whatever"

I smiled softly to myself. Idiot.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2013 ⏰

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