Chapter Two

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Naraku's POV

I surveyed the newcoming members in the battle. 

"Inuyasha and his little group" I sneered in my mind.

As much as I enjoyed toying with the half-demon, my main target at the moment was Sesshomaru. Once an ally, my partnership with the "Great Dog Demone of the West" eneded after the kidnapping of his precious human and various other offences.

I could easily handle Inuyasha and his weak human companions, but Sesshomaru was a true threat and I needed to kill him before interrupted my plans more than he already has. Hence the reason why i kidnapped the human gir, Rin.

As much as he treis to portray a cold, heartless killing machince, he kept a pathetic weak human child around him. That was his fault and weakness and I planned to exploit it to the fullest, but now Inuyasha  is here.

"Inuyasha, I didn't expect for you to find me. As much as I like to kill you, right now I am busy facing a worthy opponent. So you may take this chance to flee and live another pitiful day as the half-demon that you are" I taunted.

It was too easy to rile him up. Just a single comment and his temper rises and he loses control of his anger, causing him to make rash and impulsive decisions, like usual. So predicatable.

He lunged at me with his Tetsuiga, at which I quickly dodges and shoot my tentacles to strike his left arm and right leg.

"The fool didnt even dodge. Pathetic" I thought as his body hit the ground.

It sees Sesshomaru shares my opinion as he glares as Inuyasha's injured form and sneers,

"Weak half-demons like you, shouldnt be involved in matterstoo powerful for you to handle. As Naraku said, this is a battle between worthy opponents, you are not. I do not need nor do I want your assistance in defeating him. Even if you tried, you would only be a burden more than a benefit. So stay out of it." Sesshomaru ended with a flash of his eyes turning red.

"Yeah, yeah big talk about opponents. It doesnt matter . I'm going to be the one to destroy Naraku, so you can just save it" Inuyasha stated as he tried and failed at standing on his feet.

"Hmm.. Did I forget to mention that i added the posions from my insects to the tips of my tentacles. As you continue to move, the posion will spread faster in you body, eventually killing you." I chuckled out loud.

Even with that being said, the fool still tried to get up and attack me. Lucky for him, the priestess, Kagome, stopped him and tried to tend to his wounds and which the idiot tried to fight with her.

Now that they're preoccupied i can finally get back to Sesshomaru" I thought.

Until the demon slayer and monk got involved. I could feel my irritation rising. I didnt have time for this. I needed to get to the Temple of Mount Tokachi before it was too late. But now it seems as if I had to face all of them.

Maybe this wont be too bad. That idiot half-demon Inuyasha will kill himself trying to kill me.The humans would be easy to slaughter and Sesshomaru wouldnt dare attack first in fear of harming the child.

This maybe better than I thought. Looks like I could be killing all of them at once.

"Fine then, if it's a battle you want. It's a battle you'll get." I stated as i created two puppets and spread out my tentacles.

Let the slaughter begin. 

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