Chapter 12

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AUTHOR'S NOTE: Yay, twelfth chapter! :))) My own crush...He's my inspiration for this. ;))) ~Ari



After the incident, Erza went straight home without telling anybody. You couldn’t blame her, it seemed as if her heart was smashed and grinded into tiny pieced. It was twelve midnight, and she once again propped open her laptop. Fortunately, the internet connection was stable this time, so she went on Google and typed in "Skullette Academy". She was determined to find out what was wrong. She was positive that Jellal felt the same way about her, so why did he push her away?

Of course the results were just the same as before. Crimes related to Haos. This time Erza tried searching "Haos Academy". There was an official website for the said school. Erza wasted no time and clicked the link. The website wasn't much help, it only showed basic information about Haos, nothing about Skullette or crimes.

She clicked the "back" button and went through the results again. One link caught her eye. "Haos and Skullette: Not Just Rivals". Erza immediately opened the link and started reading.

Haos Academy is a school founded by Emily Kessler. Emily lives to this day (age 39) and she is currently the school principal. For the past five years Haos has lived up to its name and led thousands of students to a fruitful and successful life. However, enrolment statistics have dropped significantly ever since the killings and assassinations began. The crimes have been shown to be done by Haos' rival school, Skullette.

Erza clicked the next page.

Skullette's founder is Emily's twin, Sara. Not much of their relationship is known, but what we do know is they hated each other. Sara wrote fake information about Skullette, saying that it was the kind of school most teenagers would consider "heaven". Eventually parents started to enroll their kids in Skullette. Sara's henchmen, who served as the school officials, made the students kidnap, kill, or assassinate Haos students.

She gasped silently, you could barely hear it. "...Don't tell me...Jellal...killed students?"

The whole reason they obeyed is because Sara held their parents captive and threatened to kill them if they did otherwise. One student (who has only a mother and a little sister) is known to have very recently escaped from Skullette, he ran away and transferred himself to another unknown school.

"I...Could that runaway student be...Jellal?"

The rogue student received his consequences for running away from Skullette.

Erza’s breath caught in her throat as she read the next line.

Sara had his mother killed and tortured to death.

She gasped, loudly this time, and covered her mouth. Could this really be happening? Is Jellal’s past really that life-scarring? "Is this why...Why he..."

However she still has his little sister in cages, using her to get the boy back. Our guess is the 17-year-old girl secretly communicates with her big brother, which is the only thing holding him back from going after her. We’ve sent several people to break the her free but only one out of a hundred ever returned, with one arm. TO ALL FRIENDS OF THIS ROGUE STUDENT: DO NOT ATTEMPT TO RETRIEVE HIS SISTER.

The survivor said he was almost killed, they tortured him with whips, spears, and brute force. They used the whips to cut his back everytime he disobeys, the spears to poke his sides whenever he talked back. But unexpectedly he says it was the brute force that was the worst. They would beat him up twice a day for no reason leading to bruises, cuts, and internal bleeding.

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