Not Guilty

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     Raphael doesn't accept his defeat. He pushes his arms and forces me down, the opposite way. He was on top of me again, and he's forcing my wrists against the ground.

     My eyes does not leave his and the tension is building up. We're both panting, and the cold air is wrapping up my thighs. I finally had the urge to speak up, "G-get off me!" I push him off with my arm and support myself as I sit back with my other hand. He leans back, but he was still staring at me.

Raph stands up and as I try to help myself, he extends his arm. He asks for my hand and I look at it and at his eyes. He nods once, still waiting for my approval.

My hand reaches his and he gently pulls me up, then I stand on my feet. We were quiet for a few seconds.

He's actually not that bad. I think I like him. But there is no way he'll ever know nor anyone else. Or I'll lose myself.

"I, err, guess I should go now." he says, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly.

"Came all the way here just for a rematch, huh." I sneer,

He smirks at me, "And I won again."

"Sure, whatever." I roll my eyes, "You won 'cause I'm not in the mood."

"What? That does not count." he winces,

It does to me. "Don't be a sissy."

"I am not being a sissy." he crosses his arms, "Are you seriously gonna be that immature?"

"As long as you act like one, then I'll respond with the same attitude." I protest, my eyebrow raised. He heard me clearly, I could tell because of his face expression.

Raphael is amused of my comeback. I bet he's gonna backfire, "I ain't immature." He is so competitive.

"Yes, yes you are." I smirk to mock him,

"Well-" he pauses for a while, he stares for a moment, "Fine."

I raise my head at him, waiting for his response.

"You win," he sighs and smirks, "this time."

"You may be strong physically, but I win with my words of weapons." I wink at Raphael, and he's too amused.

He rolls his eyes this time, "I think we both know who obviously would win based on toughness."

"I think I made my point." I step closer,

He sneers and snickers, then he shakes his head, "Sure you did."

"Just accept it."

"Accept what?"

I step again, "That I can take you by my own,"

He shakes his head with an evil smile.

"Come on, Raph." I smirk, "Admit it."

He stops and looks down, then he finally looks up at me. "All right, fine." he starts, "You've got what it takes."

"Ha!" I place my hand on my hip,

"Not bad, for a girl." he teases.

"Whatever." I roll my eyes and he laughs at me.

Falling for Raph (TMNT)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora