Defensive and Guilty

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     It's been a few days since I started meeting up with Raphael. Our rematch came and came until we've had enough. He just never saw my attacks coming. Even with a tough attitude like his, he can be a dork sometimes.

     Raphael and I are planning to hang out at the roof tonight. He said he would agree completely if I promised not to attack him. I lied, of course. I love throwing punches when he least expects it. He falls for it, everytime.

     The news anchor mentions the nightwatcher, and the side of my lip quirks up. "See you tonight, nightwatcher." I mumble to myself.


      I just can't help it. She's too stubborn. I told her to give up, and she just won't. She keeps throwing random punches at times. I hate it, but I know it's always coming. I have no idea why I even let her do it.

     Well I guess its because I'm enjoying this. She's a threat, and I love it. She poses as a great challenge, a good kind. The kind that makes you feel excited every day and every night. You know its coming, but you act like you're surprised. It's like...

"You in-love or something, bro?" Mikey says while chewing on his cereal.

My mind absorbs his question and quickly responds, "What makes you say that?" I glare at him, holding my spoon.

"Just a wild guess." he swallows,

I raise my eyebrow, "What kind of guess is that?" I roll my eyes and eat my food, "That's nonesense! Completely untrue."

Mikey glances at Donnie then at me, "Okay." he furrows his eyebrows, "You don't have to be defensive about it."

"I am not being defensive." I say clearly, and I stand up. "I'm just saying, going out every night isn't suspicious. I'm just lurking around, nothing else."

Donnie looks at me, "Who said we were suspicious-"

I put my spoon down on the wooden table, "Then don't put it on my face like that's what you're trying to say."

They both keep quiet, their eyes at me. I think I kind of freaked out on this one. Crap.

"Geez, Raph. Calm down." Donnie says calmly, and Mikey nods.

I sigh, "I am calm."

Mikey glances at Donnie, "I think someone's hiding something..."

My fist bangs on the table, "I am not hiding anything!"

"Actually," Leo suddenly appears, "I think you are."

My eyes roll to hover on him and I glare at his presence, "What are you doing here?"

"Joining for supper." he says,

I groan and turn away. Leo doesn't let me get away with the discussion, he's like the big brother I wish I didn't have at these times.

"Is there something you might want to tell us?" he crosses his arms,

I turn again and glare at him, "Again, what makes you think that? It's not like I'm not always getting picked on for being suspicious."

"Not most of the time, and at the moment, you really make us think suspiciously." he protests, "Something must be going on. I think you should tell us."

"I don't have to,"

"Why not?" Leo glares,

Mikey stands from his seat, "Uh, I don't think its a good time to fight..."

"They aren't fighting, Mikey. They're just discussing with shouting. Again." Donnie rolls his eyes, "Just tell us whatever you're hiding, Raph."

"I don't have to because there isn't anything I have to tell." I grunt and clench my fists,

Leo grits his teeth, "Stop being so stubborn, Raph. We're a family here."

"-I am not stubborn, she is!" I gasp on the words I released. Stupid, stupid me.

The three widens their eyes, and Mikey's jaw drops. Leo pauses then asks, "She?"

"Oh, dude." Mikey winces, "I knew it!"

My fists tighten, "What? I just said the wrong thing. I didn't mean to-"

"Raph." Leo starts, "Please don't tell me you're communicating with a human girl?"

I scoff, "What's wrong with communicating?"

Donnie's jaw drops this time. I think I need to clear things up now.

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