He's That Turtle

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Well it's been a while, and I never got to see Raphael. He didn't come back after I got to finish him off with that back kick. I guess he's in pain, or maybe training for rematch! Ha! That turtle is seriously predictable. I wonder if he's the only turtle-talking guy in this city.

I remember going crazy after I realized he's a real turtle. Not exactly extremely crazy, but my mind went down when I woke up that it's reality.

Then after, I got used to talking with a human-like turtle. He's not actually scary, in fact, he looks cute with that bandanna.. Okay, I went over the line.

Can we talk about something else? I seriously have got to stop thinking about that turtle. But Raphael just can't leave like that without getting back 'cause of the rematch.

Although, sometimes, I think if it's just really about the rematch. Maybe he comes in to talk, but he can't start 'cause I always throw punches or kicks whenever he's around. It's fun, besides, he likes it. I just hate seeing him laugh when I miss a few aims.

I wonder where he is now.


Should I be visiting Reese or should I not? I just hate getting teased with those immature turtles. I'm pissed and I'm tired. But I really am aching to go see Reese. Is she thinking about the rematch? Does she still remember me even if 3 days had passed? Of course she will. I mean, I'm a mean-looking turtle. I can't be forgotten, even my mad skills.

But I guess she forgot 'cos she already won the last rematch we had. I felt like the back kick bruised my guts. It hurt like hell, but it felt good 'cause she's getting better.

I like visiting her, I like seeing her try to kick my ass. It challenges me, especially when she gets to really kick me down. I don't like losing, though. I'm a big guy and I can handle her, but her toughness is really... Attractive.

It's attractive enough to just watch her throw those rad punches. And her hair? Oh, the way it sways with her movements? It falls perfectly. Now, don't get me started with her face. She's pure beauty.

But her beauty deserves something better. Something that would match her, her perfect-ness, if there's even a word, then it will all be perfect.

Of course that perfect match wouldn't include me. I hate to say it but, until no one can hear me, I'll say it again and again.. She's so perfect that I wish she's mine. The attention she focuses on is kicking my ass, and I'm contented with that. I don't want her to be with some other person who I fear won't deserve her love.

Behind that roughness, I think she's got something that can weaken a man. Hell, she can weaken a turtle and what more if it's a man, right?

I snap out of my talk with my own consciousness as Mikey slaps my back, "Hey Raph. Daydreaming again?" he laughs,

"I am not daydreaming," I glare at him and put the magazine closer to my face, "I'm reading. Y'know, trying to absorb these words."

Mikey sits at the other side of the couch and looks at the cover, his eyes squinting, "That's a lifestyle mag." he pauses, "You cook now?"

I bite my lower lip, "Y-yeah."

Leo walks in, "Well, would you look at that. Raph's home at night for 3 consecutive days." he smirks, "What happened?"

"Nothing, I just took a break at nightwatching."

Leo crosses his fingers, "Crossing fingers, hoping you won't return nightwatching."

"Here we go again. I thought you were over that?" I grunt at him, tightening my grip on the magazine.

"Of course not. It's still an issue, and you need to stop being NY's night cop."

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