Chapter One

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{The Seven and Nico are still in school. The group has six months of school left, and it is currently Winter Break. This book takes place four months after the second one. There has been no new information on the new war. They have no idea who they will be fighting.}

**Annabeth's POV**

I dialed Percy's number and waited for the dial tone that I usually got. I was surprised to here the click of a phone being answered. I waited a few seconds before I spoke, trying to control my words. I thought of everything before I spoke- just like a daughter of Athena should.

"Hey, Percy. Chiron just told us about the new war. How are you holding up?" I asked him. He wasn't at camp.

"Oh, you know. The same as I usually am when I find out that I'm to save the world. It kind of sucks." He said in an annoyed voice. I winced. His voice was a bit harsh today. "Anyway, what about you?" He asked in a softer tone.

"I've been great. Everyone here at camp is preparing for the war. The only thing that sucks right now is that no one knows who we are to be fighting. We have no idea who to be preparing for." I responded.

"Yeah, I know the feeling. I'm the one stuck fighting the main enemy. I feel wonderful!" His sarcasm made me laugh a little.

"When will you get a break, Jackson?" I said with another small laugh.

"I don't know. I just hope this is the last war ever." He said with an exasperated huff. I nodded into the phone. I knew he couldn't hear me, but it seemed to be the right thing to be doing.

"Hey, why aren't you here? You should be training..?" I asked him. He sighed.

"Unlike you, I need to actually catch up on school work. Nico is over at my place most days. He helps me train. I do get some training in. I just do it in my own way." He responded.

"Oh, okay. Um, I know you probably want to avoid the subject-" I started. Percy interrupted.

"I think we should talk about it. I really do..." He said in almost a whisper.

"I shouldn't have done that Percy.."

"Your right. You shouldn't have. I wouldn't have been hurt as much if you had just broken up with me to be with Luke.."

"Yeah, I know. It should have been what I had done. Really, I'm sorry."

"I get it. Anyways, how is Luke? How are the campers treating him?" Percy asked. He sounded sincere about his question.

"He's amazing. He was reluctant to come to camp at first, but eventually I convinced him. Everyone forgave him. The older campers were surprised to see him, as well as Silena and Beckendorf. They were really happy, though."

"That's great!" Percy exclaimed. I heard yelling in the background on Percy's side of the phone, and Percy sighed. "I have to go. My mom and Paul just saw my report card."

I laughed. "Good luck with that. Cya Percy. Thank you for answering the phone."

He mumbled a good-bye, and hung up. I set my phone down and smiled to myself.

**Percy's POV**

"I'm coming, I'm coming!" I called to my parents, as they yelled from the kitchen.

I walked to the kitchen, and leaned against the doorframe of the room. Paul and my mom gave me one of those parenty looks that they seemed to like giving me lately.

"Percy, why do you have so many F's on your report card?" My mom asked me. I sighed. I hadn't told my parents about the war, or that I was the main person in it.

"Mom, can we talk about this when Nico gets here? He can help me explain this better." I said. Paul shook his head.

"I told Nico he couldn't come over, until you get your grades up." He said. I gave him a look of disbelief.

"It's Winter Break! He was going to come over for Christmas!" I said in a voice of exasperation.

"I'm sorry Percy, but these are not the grade's we want to see from you." My mom said gently. I groaned.

Paul gave me a stern look. "That is enough, Perc-"

I interrupted him. "There is another war coming. I'm expected to save the day, again. I've been worrying about it the last four months. That's why my grades are so low. Happy?" I said in an annoyed tone.

I turned around and rushed to my bedroom. I made my way to my bed, and collapsed onto it with a sigh. I fell asleep thinking about Nico.

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