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Happy philly new year said Phil as He ran into the camper. Phil and Harry decided to spend their philly new year in a camper parked in front of pizza castle. They are having a New Years party in there camper and everyone's invited big ol' Tinky bob, silly sue, silly Chad, and Danny devito. Phil was sitting in his rocking chair writing his new musical tits and tinks. It's about a Tink that makes his way through life popin zits and Walking like he has a chainsaw up his ass. All of a sudden Harry flops in and asked Phil on his opinion on Harry's prom dress. Harry felt like a princess in his dress he ran around the camper singing get your sparkle on because he was so silly. Then there was a knock at the door and big ol' Tinky bob, silly sue, silly Chad, and Danny devito arrived for the party. Danny devito was already drunk off his ass and they hadn't even had a shot of apple juice yet, and for some reason ol' tinky bob showed up wearing a nipple Halloween costume and crocs. They had so much fun on New Years like getting drunk off of toilet water, singing tunes, wapping through town and shiting on people's cars. The party was over and Phil looked at Harry and said "I had so much fun I'm sad 2k15 is over", Harry looks deeply into Phils eyes and says " when in doubt glitter it out" so they go to Wally mart to buy some glitter and use it to make them sparkle. Then they go and plan a tastefully simple party for next week.

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