Super PHIL Sunday

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Its a philly Sunday and the tittin Super Bowl is on the TV. Harry and PHIL decided to have a WAPPIN party!! They invited 1d, selena gomez, Chris pratt, taylor swift, and the entire cast of hair spray the movie!! They all WAPPED in and philly broke out the party favors and the scented candles. Zac EFRON WAPPED in on a cheese stick while singing drunk in love and outta no where a baby shot outta the lamp on the end table. Harry picked up the baby and threw it out the window because he wasn't invited. While everyone was dancing and wappin the night away PHILS ex girlfriend Olympia WAPPED in AND PRETENDED TO BE A FUCKJNG CHAISE LOUNGE!!! After OLYMPIA RUINED THE PARTY BEYONCÉ WON THE SUPER BOWL AND PHIL GOT PISSED AND SHOVED A WHOLE BOX OF WHEAT THINS UP HARRYS ASS AND FLEW TO NEVERLAND WHILE SINGING JUSTIN BEIBER! WHAT WILL HAPPEN NEXT!?!?

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