New friends

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Ok so Harry forgives Phil and they decided to move to Peru and start a new life. They started at a new school called swinesville high and they luved it they met so many new friends kalli , Brad, and especially Phil and Harry's two new best friends fannah and brustin. It was the last day of school so kalli Brad fannah and brustin decided after skool they would all hang out at fannahs but they were all being tits and they didn't come so brustin decided he would just go hang out with fannah on the running path. fannah waits for like 128374 hours for brustin and all of a sudden she sees his toothpick LOOKIN ass walk down the road wearing his lil super man tank top. As brustin and fannah begin to walk brustin gets a little handsy and decides he's gonna makeout with fannah. Fannah goes into shock because she was just kissed by a toothpick LOOKIN tit wearing a super man tank top. He starts to get a lil excited if u know what I mean 😏😉 so fannah waddles home. The next day fannah invites her friend Kalli over and when she tells Kalli what happens Kalli shits herself and goes and drowns herself in fannahs pool. Later when fannah invites Phil and Harry over they realize Kalli is dead in fannahs pool but they don't give two shits so they go to a silly consert and dance to the beat.

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2016 ⏰

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