PinkiexCheese: A Visitor

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                            's me...I was wondering if after all these years you'd like to go over...everything. I'm sorry, I just love this song. Enjoy the story.


Pinkie Pie

"No problem! Have a super duper wonder-filled day!" I smiled at the recent customers who were leaving the bakery.

I wiped the counter down after placing bits into the register. I whistled my song 'Smile' while I worked. The ringing of bells made me look up. I gasped as I saw the familiar brown curly mane, orangish fur, and green eyes.

"Hey, Pinkie Pie!" he beamed as his eyes sparkled.

"Cheese Sandwich!? What're you doing here?!" I screamed.

"I came to visit my favorite super duper party pony!" Cheese smiled.

"That's me! Aww, it's been so long!" I grinned as I hugged him.

"I know, I would've come sooner, but I had a party to throw all the way on the other side of Equestria."

"Was it fun?"

"Well, duh! You're talking to a super duper party pony here!"

"True. Anyway, how've ya been? Did ya miss me? Did ya miss Gummy?"

I bounced around him while asking those questions. I was so excited to see him, I couldn't stand still.

"I've been super duper great! Of course I missed you and Gummy! And the others too! But I missed you most of all, Pinkie!" He blushed. "But enough about me! The subject should be on you! How are you?"

"I'm actually doing pretty good! Bored, but good," I smiled.

"Bored? Well, we're gonna have to do something about that," he said. "Hey! I know! How about we go play some pranks on some ponies?!"

"That would be fun, but...I have responsibilities here to take care of," I sighed.

"Aww, come on," Cheese pleaded. "Can't you just close the bakery for now?"

"No can do, Cheesy," I shook my head. "I Pinkie Promised to do this for the Cakes while they spend the afternoon with their children."

"Aww, alright! I guess I'll just have to wait for you, then," Cheese appeared next to me at the counter.

I blushed at how close he was to me. That's weird...I've never felt so nervous around a colt before.

"Hey, Pinkie Pie, Cheese Sandwich, wasn't expecting to see you here," said my friend Twilight.

"Hey, Twilight, Flash Sentry? What's he doing here?" I asked suspiciously.

"Me and Twilight are hanging out together," Flash answered smiling at Twilight.

"We're here to pick up a few cupcakes for our little picnic," Twilight stated.

"Of course! What flavor?" Cheese asked.

"Any flavor will do," Flash was still smiling at Twilight.

I could see a potential relationship here. It must be nice having a special some pony. Sometimes, I wondered what it would be like having a special some pony. Would I be a good special some pony? What if I wasn't?

"Pinkie? Are you alright?" Cheese asked me.

"Huh?! Wha?! What? I'm fine," I said snapping out of my thoughts. "Sorry, where did Twilight and Flash go?"

"They got their cupcakes and left," he replied. "You sure you're okay? You seem a bit out of it."

"I'm okay. I promise," I reassured with a smile.

"Alright, if you say so," Cheese shrugged.

Soon, the Cakes returned and Cheese and I decided to leave. We walked to the Joke shop to pick out different pranks.

We bought the items needed and headed to our first victim's house. It turned out to be Rarity, and was that Fancy Pants?

It seemed like every pony had some pony they crushed on. I didn't. I sighed.

"Pinkie? You seem upset about something," Cheese looked at me concerned.

"It's nothing," I smiled, but he could tell it was fake.

"Whatever you're not telling me, I think it's interfering with your good mood," he put a hoof on my shoulder. "Come on, I'll help you through this. What is it that's causing you sadness?"

"It's seems that every pony has potential for a special some pony. Twilight and Flash, Rarity and Fancy Pants, but...I don't think anyone would want me."

"What are you talking about?! Pinkie Pie, you are an amazing filly! I don't know any other pony that could top you! You are my number one favorite pony, I know you'll find someone! Have a little faith in yourself," Cheese hugged me at the end and I wondered...maybe he could be my special some pony.

I hugged him back. The force was so unexpected, he fell back on his back. I giggled as I came up with a genius plan. I started tickling Cheese and he fell into an uncontrollable fit of giggles.

"Stop it!" He laughed as he waved his hooves around.

I didn't stop anything, I kept going. Until I got tired. We both stayed in that spot gasping for air. Cheese looked at me and then tickled me as payback.

"No! Stop!" I snorted out, but it was no use.

"Revenge," he smiled.

Luckily, he stopped soon. We both just lay on our backs in the grass watching clouds.

"We used to have pink cotton candy clouds that rained chocolate milk," I told Cheese.

"No way! That's too absurd," Cheese said, "That...doesn't make sense!"

"What's the fun in ever making sense, he would say," I mocked Discord's voice. "Do ya know Discord?"

"I believe that's a terrible impression of me, Pinkie," said the Lord of Chaos himself.

"What're you doing here, buddy?" I asked.

"Looking for Fluttershy. Have you seen her?"

"Not at all today. Sorry. But hey! Before you go, why don't you whip me and my friend a cotton candy cloud with chocolate rain?" I convinced.

He snapped his claw fingers and was gone in a blink with a cotton candy cloud in his place.

"Yes!" I dug into the cotton candy. "Come on, Cheese, dig in!"

Cheese just stared in awe. "That...that was the...Lord of Chaos..." He stammered.

"Yeah, but he's been reformed. We're kinda close since I love his cotton candy clouds," I explained as I jumped on the cloud to make it rain chocolate milk.

"Uh huh...scary," Cheese said as he took a piece of cotton candy.

"Hey, Cheese, thanks for talking to me," I thanked.

"No problem," he winked at me.

I squealed on the inside.


Because love's in bloom! Don't know the rest of the lyrics, lol. If you enjoyed, leave a vote and/or comment. Goodbye from the other side!

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