RainbowxSoarin: After the Race

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Hello from the outside! At least I can say that I've tried! To tell you, I'm sorry...for breaking your heart, but it don't matter. It clearly doesn't tear you apart...anymore. I'm so sorry, that's the last time I'll do that, I Pinkie promise. Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye. Enjoy the story!


I just finished crossing the finish line, and wasn't surprised that I won. But it did strike me as weird that I was able to beat a Wonderbolt.

"Great race, Soarin, but I'm curious...how was I able to beat you?" I eyed him.

"Because you're really fast," he stated.

"Right, but you're a Wonderbolt."

"Yeah, but...it just proves that you're worth being a Wonderbolt," Soarin started sweating nervously.

"Uh huh, sure," I said doubtfully.

He giggled a little and blushed. What's he blushing for? Spitfire, another Wonderbolt, walked over to us and smiled at Soarin.

"Nice try, Soarin," she supported.

"Thanks, Spitfire," he said. "So, uh, Rainbow Dash, wanna chill out? I mean, if you want."

"Sounds good to me! Where are we going?" I asked flying up subconsciously.

"Wherever your heart desires," he said.

"Let's go to...Canterlot to see the castle gardens," I requested.

"Can I come?" Spitfire asked.

"Uh...I was hoping that I could spend some time with Rainbow Dash...alone," Soarin blushed again.

So did I. I don't believe he just said that. He basically just asked me on a date. That's like...awesome! I've never been on a date with any pony before.

"Oh, okay, I guess," Spitfire said quietly. "Have fun."

"Thanks," we said as we flew off.

"Is this like...a date, then?" I asked him.

I saw his cheeks flush with the color red. He gulped.

"I, uh, it, um...if you want it to be...it's fine with me," he stammered.

"It's fine if it isn't, I mean, cuz you told Spitfire you wanted to be alone with me," I told him, "It kinda seemed a bit intimate, ya know."

"Well...the truth is..."

He was interrupted by bumping into someone. That someone was Discord.

"Discord!? What are you doing?!" I growled, angry at him for ruining the moment.

"Terribly sorry, but have you seen Fluttershy anywhere?" he asked.

"Have you checked her cottage?" I asked.

"Duh! I went there first," Discord scoffed, "I'm not an idiot."

"Never said you were, but now that you mention it, you're an idiot," I crossed my arms and smirked.

"Someone's in a sour mood," he stated.

"Discord, get outta here," I ordered.

"You think I'm gonna leave just because you tell me to?" Discord chortled. "You ponies really crack me up sometimes."

I groaned in annoyance. Discord is an interesting dude, but he can be so annoying sometimes.

"Discord! You're ruining everything right now," I told him. "I'll hang out with you later, okay? But only if you leave us alone."

"I don't want to hang out with you, I want Fluttershy," he crossed his arms.

"Fine, then if you leave us alone, I'll help you find Fluttershy later," I rolled my eyes.

"Alright, friend! See you later!" he snapped his paw fingers and he disappeared. Finally!

"Soarin?!" I called. "Where are you!?"

"R-r-right here?!" he said from behind me.

I turned and saw him shaking.

"Don't worry about him, he won't hurt you," I promised. "Now...what were you trying to say?"

"What? Oh, uh, I was saying that...I kinda have a thing for you, Rainbow. I've just been...afraid to say something cuz I was afraid you wouldn't feel the same," Soarin blushed and looked the other way.

I smiled at him. I then kissed him on the cheek making him blush even more.

"I've felt the same way...for quite awhile now," I admitted. "I was afraid of the same thing."

"Really?" Soarin asked.

"Yep," I said.

We both started laughing as we finally landed on the castle gardens. We were allowed to go there without checking with the guards since Soarin was a Wonderbolt and I'm close with the princess.

"Well, we are the typical couple," Soarin wiped tears from his eyes

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Well, you know how there's usually a stallion who likes a mare, but is afraid to tell her cuz he fears she doesn't feel the same and then it turns out she was thinking the same way?" he answered my question with another confusing question. I nodded my head. "That's how we were."

"Wow, that's funny."


"So...does this mean that we're a thing now?" I asked him.

"Um...do you think it's a good idea? Maybe we should build a romantic relationship first," Soarin said.

"We'll have time for that when we're a couple," I told him. "I can wait, I mean, if you aren't ready."

"I just...wanna make it more professional. Asking you now wouldn't make it special. I want it to be special."

"I understand," I smiled. "I'll be waiting."

He blushed and I giggled.


Hope you enjoyed! If you did, please please please leave a vote and/or comment! Goodbye from the other side!

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