ApplejackxTrenderhoof: The Story of My Life

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Howdy! Sorry for being late with this again. AJ is my least favorite pony so I couldn't find any good inspiration so...sorry it's so short and suckish.



I was taking a break from my chores and decided to walk around Ponyville to relax. I got myself situated and headed off to some random direction. I was lost in my thoughts and bumped into some pony.

"Ah'm so sorry!" I shouted as I got up from the fall.

I helped the stallion up and saw it was that Trenderhoof pony that Rarity liked so much. I could tell by his stunning purple eyes through his white glasses, his unicorn horn, and his nice blonde hair.

"Applejack? Is that you, my dear?" He asked.

I forgot that he had that huge crush on me. It broke Rarity's heart.

"Erm...yep," I blurted out. "Hey there, Trenderhoof. How's it goin'?"

"It's going so much better now that your here," he smiled. "Care to walk with me?"

I blushed and nodded. We started walking together.

"So, how's life going?" He asked me.

"It's goin' purty good," I said, "how's yers? Write any good books lately?"

"Oh, I just wrote the most amazing book ever!" he beamed. "It's based on how we first met. You know with the jealous unicorn?"

"Ya mean Rarity?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah, Rarity," he giggled.

I shook my head as we headed towards the market. Lucky we were headed there. I needed to pick up a few things for the farm.

Didn't think I'd see Discord here though. I wonder what he's up to...

"Hey, Discord!" I called his name and he looked my way.

"Ah, hello Applejack," he teleported to me. "Have you seen Fluttershy?"

"Sorry, but I haven't seen 'er at all today," I told him. "I've been at the farm all day workin'."

"Oh, poo." He cursed and frowned. "I'll never find her."

"Aww, don't get discouraged, I'm sure y'all gonna find her eventually," I gave him a reassuring smile. "Maybe you should check 'er cottage again."

"Thanks, Applejack," Discord smiled then snapped to make himself disappear.

I giggled a little and looked at Trenderhoof. He was shaking like crazy.

"Um, you okay over there?" I asked him.

"Th-tha-tha-th-that was the...Lord of Chaos!?" Trendy screamed. "And...what!?"

"Oh, me and my friends reformed him couple months back. He won't hurt ya, cuz if he does, he's gunna have to deal with Celestia's punishment and we won't be friends anymore, which he really cares about...being friends and all."

"He...cares about friendship?"

"Yup! He cares so much about keepin' his friends that if he loses our friendship, he'll cry. You shoulda saw the poor creature when we reformed him. Fluttershy told him they weren't gonna be friends and his little heart was precious."


"Yup. And when he betrayed us with the whole Lord Tirek thing and all, he wouldn't stop apologizing for weeks. It was the sweetest thing ever."

"He sounds like a caring friend."

"He tries his best. I mean, sometimes he gets off track, but I reckon that's cuz he's the Lord a Chaos and all. He's kinda like a mischievous little teddy bear."

"Intriguing...well then, I must say you are very brave," Trendy stated.

"Gee, I reckon...thanks," I blushed.

We finished shopping around the marketplace and I had to get back to the farm. Trenderhoof and I said our goodbyes and went our separate ways.

I guess he ain't half bad...


Hope you enjoyed! You know what to do if you did! Happy late Easter!

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