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Hey my name is Cathie, I'm 18, a singer/actress. Here we gotta go.

"JUSTIN?! WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU?!" I yelled through our house. It's huge, yes I said Justin. The Justin Bieber. We went to the same school in Toronto. His hometown. Well yeah OUR hometown, we used to live there and we were neighboors. To be honest, he was also pretty hot in Toronto. And he was already cute. I loved him there but then he had to move away, cuz he got famous. First he moved to Atlanta but now we're living in Los Angeles. I got signed just 1 year after Justin got signed. We met again, cuz he should have promoted me. He did well. It was sure I'll live in Los Angeles. For the first time we kept contact via Twitter, Facebook these social networks every teenager in our age has. When he came to Los Angeles we were kind of 'dating' each other. On our 3rd date he told me that he finds me cute and that he'd loved me. He was afraid that I'd run away but I kissed him. Hihi, now we're together for a whole year. Soon it'll be 1 1/2 years but Justin changed a lot...

"JUSTIN?!" I yelled again. Damn it, we have an interview where the hell is that jerk??? I'm running through every room, then I decide to look in our bedroom and as if I didn't know, Justin is in there. "Get your fucking ass up! We have an interview in less than an hour!" I said a little bit louder. "Get the fuck off! I wanna sleep!" Wow, this boy really knows how to piss me off! "Get your fucking ass up!" I yelled again and pulled his blanket awayy "It's your own fault if you party all night! When you get drunk and sleep at 7am if you know that you have at 11am an interview with your GIRLFRIEND then it's your fault not mine! I reminded you on it yesterday!" He turned around and pulled his pillow over his head and continued sleeping. URGH! Sometimes I just wanna kill him! I smashed the bedroom door and went downstair. Grabbed my keys and drove to the interview studio. Right in time, 20 minutes left. Time enough to gwt styled. There is already my stylist Kendra. She's kind of my best friend of my crew. "Hey dear" she said smiling coming towards me and pulling me into a hug. "Hey" I said a little bit unhappier. "What's wrong? And where's Justin?" she asked. "You know, that usual stuff" before ending Scooter came to us "where's Justin?" he said in panic. "You know in bed, sleeping he was partying again with some bitches in a club or wherever. He just came back at 7am and is still asleep like always." "You're lying I'm here!" Justin rushed into our concersation. He tried to kiss me but I just went away letting him staying there with Scooter, he was mad. "Why Justin?!" I heard him yell while I was going to my room. Oh I forgot 'our' room. Some tears roll down my face because I hate it. Justin is hurting me a whole lot with that shit. Kendra came and hugged me. "Don't cry sweetheart...." she hugged me tighter " only ruin your make up." We both laughed. I love her a lot. She understands me and makes me always happy. I wipped away my tears, turned around and said "which tears?" with a smile on my face. We both smiled, then a guy from the team said and told me that I'm on show in less then 10 minutes. So here we go. Another interview, another time acting 'happy couple' with Justin.

While we were on show Justin showed his best side, he was laughing and smiling. Nobody could see he was on a party last night. And the interviewer always asked us about our relationship. I was so damn pisses of Justin. He always kissed me and was acting like the perfect boyfriend. But he wasn't now anymore. After we arrived home he went into the kitchen "Babe! I'm hungry can you cook something?," he asked from the kitchen. "When you wanna eat something eat something, cook on your own or order something. I'm not your girl for everything Justin." I gave him in a response. "Woah, if you're moody then I go to Lil Twist. Bye." After that I heard the door closed behind him. I started crying. Awesome lil twist...they're only partying.

*bzzzzbzzzzbzzz* I looked up, it was my phone. *Bzzzzbzzz* Where is my phone??? Ahh on the table, I pick up.

"Hello?" I said with a quiet voice.

"Hey, Miley here."

"Oh hey Miley. What's the matter for your call?"

"I saw the interview and you didn't look happy at all and now you sound like you have cried. What happened???"

"'m not happy yes and yes I cried..." I was sobbing in my phone.

"Oh my gosh dear! I'm over in 10 minutes!"

Before I could say something she hung up the phone.

So Miley is coming over now. Well, maybe it would be better if I can talk to someone about it finally. Good then. Miley is coming and I'll just wait a bit and try to calm down.

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