Chapter 5

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I have to know what happened the last 7 months. It's like Selena is together now with Justin. Seems like he got over me pretty fast. Amazing. Well, mh. Hey I can check out Twitter. Wow, 15 M followers. I got 5 M more follower amazing. I have tones of mentions haha.

*5 days later*

Well, Miley is engaged to Liam now, Justin is together with Selena...I have lost a lot of friends...but my crew is still there. By the way, now I know what is wrong with Miley. She gave up on me and her new friends wanted her to break the friendship cuz she has been sad all day. Justin had to move on and I'm nothing to them anymore. All in 7 months...that hurts extremly.

"Finally home" I said to Kendra. She was driving me home. Yes, I am happy to be here but here are a many old pictures of Justin, Miley and me...."I help you throwing these pictures away" Kendra said standing next to me looking on a picture that was taken from the three of us when everything were fine. "No. I don't wanna throw them away, just wanna put them in the basement. Would you still help me?" With a not knowing look she said yes. "You have tomorrow a meeting at the studio you know" "Yes, I'll be there." "Good otherwise David would freak out." Oh yes David. I miss him a lot. He's my manager and I know him since I'm a little girl, he wants always the best for me. "Haha you know he wouldn't." I spat back to Kendra.

After a while of silence Kendra was asking me something but I was lost in my mind "Hello? Cathie??? Earth to Cathie??" she repeated and I turned my head suddenly around "Excuse me what was your question?" I gave her as response. "Should I stay the night?" she looked with a puppy face. "No it's all fine." I smiled at her. "Alright but if something is call me. Cuz I'll be leaving now." "It's alright. I bring you to the door." I went to the door with her and gave her a goodbye hug.

*The next day*

9 AM. I'm already dressed up, but I'm tired. I spent the whole night thinking about everything and I had to make a decision. A hard one I might regret but I have to move on....It was time to fell a decision. I was thinking about it before that what had happened and now there I lost everything I can make this step. I'll end my career. I'll move back to Canada to my Grandmother and my Grandfather. They have missed me and were worried plus I haven't seen them now for so long. Without that I have noticed it a half hour went over thinking about it again. Time to drive. So I pack my handbag get my keys and heading to the car. Outside the paparazzi are waiting asking questions like "How do you feel about Jelena?" bla bla bla. A feeling of having my usual day back but it isn't m usual day. No. I know that I don't have anyone. Now I got into my car and drive away. Away from the memories. Away from the place I used to be happy. Away from my life.

*In the studio*

On the ride I have thinking about everything that happened. Now I have to face David, Kendra, Dylan, Sydney, tell them that I'll end my career. I walk into the studio all being happy, all expect me. I'm sad. David seems to notice "What's wrong?" he asks. "She has a bad day." Dylanjoked around. I sat down on the couch looking on the ground. After Dylan had joked around enough with stupid sentences I was ready to talk. "I'll end it." The words were coming out of my mouth. Now they stopped laughing and looked seriously at me. "What will you end?" David asked me. "Everything." I said lifting my head and having some tears in my eyes. "I don't want to be famous anymore, I just wanna end my career, I want to move back home. Home to Canada. There were people care about me and love me. I called Grandma earlier this morning and she said it's ok. I'll move back there within the next 4 weeks. It ends now." Theor jaws were on the ground just Kendra were crying. She went out, followed by Dylan. David waved the others out too. Now there were David and me. "You want to end it? Why?" he said sitting next to me. I couldn't look at him and looked on my fingers playing with them. "It's too much for me. I miss my family and the old me. Justin were over me too quick and Miley was giving up on me. All the others had left me. Nothing holds me here." Now I looked in his eyes tears filled mine. David was nodding. I know he understands me, sometimes it's too much for him too and he always said if I don't want it anymore I should end even though he'd let me never give up but I fell this decision on my own. And it was a decision I won't change. It's all over by now.

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