Jeon Jungkook - One Day

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<Your Pov>
"Kyaaaa Jungkookie!!!" You yelled as you jumped on him from behind which forced him to instantly give you a piggy back ride. Jungkook ran around your apartment with you on his back whilst you laughed in his ear. "Yahh (Y/N) I'm tired." He said before dropping you on the couch and collapsing on the floor. You rolled off the couch and landed next to him. "Hi" You said. "Hey" He replied before giving you a kiss on the cheek. You both laughed before giving each other a hug and falling asleep just like that. Everything about Jungkook was perfect and you never thought it would change. Well, you thought wrong. Very wrong.

4 months later
"SERIOUSLY (Y/N) JUST SHUT UP!!!" Jungkook yelled before throwing a plate at your head. Luckily, you dodged it and it broke as it hit the cupboard behind you. "You know what Jungkook? You said hesitantly. "WHAT (Y/N)?? WHAT DO YOU WANT?" He shouted. "I d-don't want anything Jungkook." You stuttered. "THEN WHAT IS IT!!?" He screamed before stomping his foot down. "We're over" You said as tears rolled down your cheeks and you left the apartment.
You walked down the hallway and tried to ignore the heart-stabbing pain in your chest. You weren't sure if it was from the current situation or if it was a serious illness but you just brushed it off and kept walking. You made your way to your friend's apartment and knocked on the door. "Oh hey (Y/N)" She said. "Hey I was wondering if I could sta-" Your words were interrupted when she cut in. "You can stay here (Y/N). I heard your argument from here so I figured you'd need somewhere to stay." She explained.
"T-thank you" You stuttered but you couldn't say anymore as your chest filled with pain and you collapsed to the floor. You heard the faint sound of footsteps come towards you but before you could get up, your brain switched off.

~ 3 hours later ~
You woke up to find yourself in the emergency room alone. You still had pain in your chest but it wasn't as intense as before. A voice snapped you out of your thoughts and you turned to see Jungkook and the doctor talking. You were about to speak but the pain increased once more and before you knew it, you were out again.

<Jungkook's Pov>
I watched (Y/N) slip in and out of consciousness through the corner of my eye. It was heartbreaking. The doctor explained that she needed a heart donation because her heart had a whole in it. I figured that's what she was trying to tell me earlier but I had ignored her. I took a deep breath and knew exactly what I was going to do.

<Your Pov>
You woke up in the recovery room to find no pain in your chest and a letter placed next to you. It said your name on it so you figured your friend had dropped it off earlier. Surprisingly, you could see a long scar on your chest near your heart through the cheap hospital gown. "Huh?" You thought before picking up the letter and opening it. You figured it would probably explain everything as your friend was a very detail-oriented person. You were surprised when the letter was in Jungkook's handwriting. It read:

To my dearest (Y/N),
I'm so sorry for not listening to you.
I finally understand what you were trying to tell me. I was informed by the doctor that you had a whole in your heart and that you needed a new one. At that point I couldn't stop myself from having a mental breakdown, even though I tried my best not to. Just the thought of you not living beside me hurts my heart. You may not think that I love you anymore but I do. I really do. What I said earlier was only because of the busy schedule that I was having and I couldn't control my temper. (Y/N), I need you to be strong for me okay? The doctors desperately looked for a heart for you and I realised the answer was standing right next to them.....Me. The heart that's beating into your chest right now, is mine.
My heart is now yours, because our hearts beat one.
I love you (Y/N).
I always will.

You crumbled down in your bed and cried your eyes out. The person you had loved the most had just saved your life. But now he was gone. You put the letter to your heart and whispered:
"We'll be together again Jungkookie."

"One day."

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