Author's Thought #1

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[A/N: I don't really know what this is, I just needed somewhere to put out my emotions. I'll probably delete it later]

Anyone can write a story. If not write, then they can think of it. They can think about the beginning, middle, and end. Of course, if people don't like the story then they can always delete it, or simply throw it out. But in a way. Our lives are a story. A book, in other words. As it is made up of many smaller stories. These stories play out on their own. We are the main characters in our own books. However, this means we do not know what the whole story looks like. As we are part of it. So if at one point, we do not like the story, we simply can't erase it. We must live through it. It's hard, when all we want to do is have the story end, to move onto the next one. But as a main character, we have to get through everything and anything, before we reach the end.

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