Kim Namjoon - Hurting

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<Your Pov>
"Bye Mum.." You mumble as you get out of the car and walk to the train station. It was a cold winter Monday and you were making your way to school. You saw the familiar faces at the train station and you showed a small smile as you walked past. The train eventually arrived and you got on, glad to get out of the cold. Suddenly you get a call from your best friend Namjoon. "Hello" You said - answering the phone. "Hey (Y/N)!" He replies enthusiastically. "What was the math homework again?" He asked eagerly. "Question 1-20 on Page 76." You said. "Alright thanks! Gotta go!" He shouts, before ending the call. You put your phone back in your blazer pocket and look out the train window, watching the buildings whir past. Namjoon had been the disorganised one between the two of you. He was never really on time and was quite slow when it came to organisation. But, you still liked to have him around as his company always made you feel happy inside. Namjoon and his other friends were all extroverts and they all followed each other around like a flock of seagulls. Which sometimes meant that you were left behind. You tried talking to Namjoon several times about how you felt, yet he was always swept away by his friends before you could finish. The train arrived at your station and you got off, feeling the cold once more. You walked to your bus stop and boarded the bus to school. The trip was loud and bumpy so you stuck your ear phones in tightly and blasted your music to block out all the sound. Once you eventually got to school, you got out of the bus and walked to the gate. You saw Namjoon's car park as you were walking, so you stopped to wait for him. He greeted you with a smile and you waved back. "Are you okay
(Y/N)?" He asks. "You always ask me this yet you never seem to care anyway." You thought as you nodded sadly and walked with him through the gates. "Are you sure?" He asks as he wraps his arm around you. "I don't want to talk about it Namjoon." You said before brushing his arm away and quickening your pace. He caught up to you and stopped you right in your tracks. You stared into his concerned eyes and felt sadness as well as anger come over you. "Come on (Y/N). You can't bottle up everything inside. If it's about your family or your classmates, you know you can tell me right?" He said softly. You stared at your shoes and tried to hold back your tears. "But what if it's about you?" You mumbled, before releasing from his grip and walking straight to your locker. Namjoon's footsteps inched nearer to you but you just continued organising your books. "What is it about me?" He asked - his tone getting more aggressive. "Don't worry about it Namjoon, seriously." You replied quietly. You closed your locker and tried to walk away but he put both hands against the lockers, one either side of you. "What is it (Y/N)?" He said bluntly as his eyes stared into your soul. You ignored the question and escaped from under his arms but he pulled you back and put you back in between his arms. "What is it (Y/N)! I'm only asking so that I can be a better friend!" He explained as his voice slowly got louder. You felt tears streaming down your face as you lifted your head to look at him. "Maybe Namjoon..." You mumbled. "Maybe all this time I've been the one who's trying to be a better friend for you. Yet, you never notice what I do for you because you're always caught up with everyone else that you seem to leave me behind." By this stage, Namjoon's face had turned pale as you continued to explain. "Maybe all this time Namjoon. I've been hurting inside. But I kept it all in so that you could be happy." You said. Tears were streaming down your face and you couldn't stop them so you just met them fall onto your uniform. "(Y/N)....I never knew you felt that way." Namjoon said quietly. You didn't make any eye contact with Namjoon so you just wiped your tears and started walking away. "Namjoon, if our friendship is going to work out we should probably have some time away from each other to rethink." You said.
Namjoon nodded before walking back down to his classroom. "Bye Namjoon" You thought as you set up your desk.

"I'll miss you the whole time you're gone"

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