Jeon Jungkook - Fight (Pt.2)

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<Jungkook's Pov>
Turning away from (Y/N) was probably one of the hardest things I've had to do. I'm such a fool. My footsteps are loud and my whole body is tense as I barge through the front door of my house. "Oh Jungkook you're home already?" My mother asks but I just ignore her and head up to my room. I need to be alone. Do I want to be alone? Do I need someone? My mind is running wild with thoughts of (Y/N) and the conversation we just had. My mother doesn't want us to be together. Do I have to let her stop me? I slump down onto my bed and run my hands through my rough hair. I hear a knock on my door but I couldn't care less about who it was. I don't care. My mother walks in and sits beside me, pressing her hand against my back lightly. "Jungkook, did you end things with (Y/N)?" Her voice is gentle yet I can feel the tension arising in my body. I nod but I don't look at her. I feel she's the reason why I'm like this. Why was I so stupid to let her control me? "Good. I will arrange for you to meet with your new girlfriend, okay?" My hands ball up into fists as I grip my bed sheets tightly. "No." My voice rings through the room harshly and I see the surprise in my mother's eyes. "Excuse me?" She says as I lock eyes with her once more. "I want to be with (Y/N). You can't stop me." I feel my voice slowly getting louder but I keep my calm to avoid us shouting. My mother smirks and laughs. "Of course I can stop you! Who do you think I am??!" She laughs sarcastically to herself. My blood begins to boil as I bring my hand to slap her across the cheek. She falls to the ground as she loses her balance. Her voice is harsh as she calls me to come back to her, yet I just block her out of my ears and run to the university as quickly as I can. My mind is racing, my palms are sweaty and I can't contain my nervousness as I enter the gates. I know (Y/N) has free period now so I make my way up to the library, skipping two steps at a time. I walk in and try and look as calm as possible to avoid suspicion. I see (Y/N) with her earphones in, studying by herself. I walk up behind her and tap her on the shoulder lightly. "Jungkook?" She says startled as she turns to face me. "(Y/N)... I-" My words are cut off as she puts her finger to my lips. "I don't want to hear it. Have a good life with your new girlfriend." Her words hit me with guilt and anger as she collects her books and walks away. I knew that me walking away had hurt her, but now....

She's the one hurting me

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