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Welp here's the first chapter >~< hopefully it doesn't suck too badly because it took me over a week just to get it done because of my major procrastination XD

Anyways enjoy!


" C'mon Rouge! We're gonna miss it! "

The anxious voice of nine year-old Sting Eucliffe rang out through the empty forest. A gentle summer breeze ruffled his bright blonde hair, and his energetic blue eyes sparkled with excitement.

Not far behind him ran Rouge, attempting to keep up with blonde. He panted slightly, not used to having to run such a far distance. Even if the two dragonslayers visited the small forest daily, they almost never came so late.

Finally, the two rounded a small bend of trees and arrived at their destination. It was a huge clearing, one that spread out for miles. The soft grass and daises swayed in the breeze as the sun began to dip behind the mountains. It was a hidden paradise.

Atleast to Sting and Rouge, anyways.

" Hey look, we came just in time! "
Sting pointed to the sun, watching it slowly descend below the horizon. The beautiful pinks, purples, and oranges of the sky began to melt into a deep, midnight blue, and soon, small twinkling stars took their place. Sting and Rouge both lay on their backs, watching the stars and commenting quietly. They did this almost daily in the summer, but as the days began to get shorter and the threat of school began to loom over their heads, visits became less and less frequent. But Sting had brought Rouge there for a reason. He had to tell him something, and he couldn't wait any longer.

" Aren't they beautiful? "
Rouge's soft, hushed voice broke Sting out of his thoughts.

" Yeah. "
Sting murmured. He glanced over at Rouge. His crimson red eyes sparkled with amazement as he watching the stars. His long, ebony hair splayed across the soft grass. He looked so peaceful, and Sting wished it could last forever.

But he knew it couldn't.

He gave a small sigh and closed his eyes. He felt the nervousness begin to creep up on him. He felt his stomach drop at the thought of telling Rouge that he was moving. He couldn't imagine each day without the shadow dragonslayer, and it hurt him to even relish the thought. But be had to tell him. He had already avoided it as long as he possibly could, but now it was undeniable. He fidgeted nervously, clenching the grass tightly in his small fist.

He had no choice.

" R-Rouge? "
Sting slowly sat up. Rouge turned his gaze to Sting, sitting up aswell.

" Yes, Sting? "
He asked calmly, his ruby red eyes peircing into his soul. Sting felt his heart begin to beat faster. Suddenly he felt tears begin to build up and he couldn't hold them back. He burst out crying, thrusting himself into Rouge's arms. He wrapped his arms around him tightly, sobbing loudly into his shirt.

Rouge sat there for a moment, too stunned to move or speak. Then, he slowly put his hand in his bright blonde hair. He gently soothed him, still not quite sure what was happening, but didn't want to press until he was ready to talk about it.

Sting slowly rose from Rouge's chest, wiping his eyes. He gave Rouge a small, guilty smile.

" I-I'm really sorry about that, I had something to tell you and I just- "

Rouge cut him off.
"- It's completely fine. You know I'm always here for you. Now, what were you going to tell me? "
He asked gently, not wanting to upset Sting again. Whatever it was that Sting wanted to tell him, he could tell it was hard for Sting.

Sting suddenly looked down at the grass, and in a quiet, almost inaudible voice he whispered
" I'm moving. "

And suddenly Rouge's world came crashing down.


Aaaand there's the first chapter! Sorry if it's a little short, but I had to shorten it a lot because my original plan made the chapter over 1500 word long, so I decided to spread it over the next chapter aswell

Please give me your guy's feedback! I'd love to hear all of your opinions and ideas!

Ily all and I'll see you in the next chapter! ^-^

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