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Rogue's P.O.V

"You promised."

I felt my breath catch in my throat as his icy-blue eyes stared directly at me. They weren't intimidating, nor were they their normal energetic gleam.

They were strained, I could tell he wanted answers.

I stared for a minute, trying to collect my thoughts. I couldn't play dumb,I knew exactly what he was talking about.

Our promise. A pact of our loyalty to each other.

I still couldn't believe he kept it. He must've had to reject so many pretty girls, ones that were so much better than me...

Suddenly the realization hit me hard, even if it had been so obvious to Sting.

I had broken the promise.

I hadn't really thought of it that way, but it was undeniably true. But first, let me explain.

I never thought Sting would keep his promise. Not because he was a bad friend, or because I didn't believe in him, but because there was so much better out there than me.

I only thought he'd realize the obvious.

That I was a waste of time, not worthy of him or his love.

But nevertheless, I kept the promise. But I didn't think it mattered anymore.

In fact, he probably never even felt the same.

But the I met Kagura.

At first, we started off as friends. Eventually, it was quite obvious she had feelings for me.

And, she asked me out.

To be honest, I never had those kind of feelings for her. She was my friend, and a friend only.

But I wanted to convince myself that I had moved on, as Sting(most likely) had. I just didn't want to feel anything for him, so I wouldn't be heartbroken when he finally came back, with a clingy-girlfriend at tow and no memory of our promise.

So I said yes, and me and Kagura began dating. I thought that eventually I'd develop real feelings for her, but our relationship only reminded me more of how much I loved Sting and how little I loved her(romantically, I loved Kagura like a sister).

She began to notice how uncomfortable I was whenever we kissed, how I scooted away slightly when she leaned in to hug me.

She became more hostile and protective over me, always demanding who I was cheating on with her. Even though she glared at me with eyes full of fury and anger, I could see the pain and confusion deep down. I felt horrible for hurting her like this.

And now Sting was here, hurt and confused as well.

It seemed like the only way I knew how to deal with my emotions was to hurt the people I cared about the most...

I stared into the crystal blue eyes for a moment longer, before suddenly I did something I hadn't done in a long time.

I cried.

And it wasn't a quiet, sniffling sob.

It was a loud, hiccuping, wail that tore through my throat, like all my feelings and emotions were trying to tear through me.

And then, I felt a warm pair of arms wrap around my stomach as the tears began to fall.

"I-I'm so-o s-sorry."


Whew that was a hard chapter to write!

I couldn't decide if I wanted them to kiss in the end or hug, but I decided on a hug because honestly kissing would be a bit rushed, considering they just met eachother for the first time in 7 years ^^'

Actually, maybe hugging is a little rushed too...


Also, the story's not over yet! In fact, I have a lot more in store(lol that rhyme tho XD) and I plan on updating about 3 times a week so watch out for updates!

Thank you so much for reading, and I'll see u guys in the next chapter! ^•^

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