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A/N: This chapters gonna be super long cuz I'm getting tired of ending them on huge cliffhangers bleh -.-



Sting could hardly believe his ears. Crocus? Where they used to live? Where Rogue is? He felt excitement bubble up in his chest, and couldn't hold back the huge grin forming on his face.

On the other hand, his siblings unfortunately did not share his enthusiasm.

"What the hell?! We can't just leave now!" Natsu exclaimed.

Grandine have him a warning look. "Look, we don't want to take you out in the middle of the school year either, but it just kinda came up. Your father got a job opportunity, so we had to make a decision."

He rolled his eyes, but didn't argue. Wendy on the other hand, simply stood there, staring at the ground. She had a blank expression, which quite frankly, creeped Sting out.

"Uh, Wend? ...You okay?" He asked, putting his hand on the young dragonslayer's shoulder. She shook her head.

"How am I supposed to make new friends? It was hard enough just to find Chelia, but now... A new school? I'm gonna be such a loner!" She said sadly, pouting a little.

Sting chuckled. "Aw, Wendy you won't be a loner. You're so kind and funny, I'm sure you'll make new friends. Besides, you'll still hang out with Chelia." He said supportively.

Wendy have a small smile and giggled. "I guess your right... But the only reason you're so happy we're moving is so you can see Roooogue."

"Ooooh, someone's blushing~" Grandine teased. Sting hid his bright red face in his hands. "God I hate you guys..." He mumbled.  They all laughed, knowing of the deep friendship Sting and Rogue had as kids.
(We all know it's more than friendship ;))


The next few weeks were spent packing and cleaning for the Dragneel household. It was pretty exhausting work, but eventually they got everything packed away.

"Well, this is it."
Igneel said, standing outside of their now-empty house. They were almost ready to leave, the moving van waiting patiently by the street.

"...Y'know, I'm really gonna miss this old place..." Natsu said sheepishly. Wendy and Sting nodded. Even if he had been miserable pretty much all the time he had lived there, Sting still had happy memories there. It was where Wendy had grown up, and where he and Natsu bonded more. All in all, the family had gotten closer in that house, and it was hard to let go.

Grandine looked at them and smiled a little. "Well, we'd better get going. The van's wai-"


Everyone turned their heads to see an exhausted Gray and Lucy, running towards them. A little ways behind them, Chelia jogged.

Natsu choked out, cheeks heating up as his friend wrapped his arms around him. He hugged back slowly, still in shock over what had just happened.

"Hey Sting!" Lucy exclaimed as she gave Sting a small hug aswell. He pulled away and smiled. "What are you guys doing here?" He asked.

She rolled her eyes playfully. "We're saying goodbye, duh!" She said in a obvious tone. He ignored it and looked down at the ground. "Well... I guess this is goodbye. Thanks Luce, for always being there for me. You're the only true friend I've had since we moved." He said sheepishly, giving her a sad smile.

"Aw, Sting!" She exclaimed, tears welling up in her eyes. She hugged him again, sniffling a little. "You're a true friend too, you know. You're the only one who actually listens to me when I talk about Loke. Everyone else just ignores me..." She have him a grateful smile, and he decided not to tell her the truth.

They turned their attention to Natsu, who was blushing and talking to Gray. He was also blushing, and the two of them were just being adorable in general. Lucy squealed a little.


Sting backed away from Lucy slowly, more than a little freaked out. Before he could ponder on what an 'otp' was, Grandine's voice interrupted him.

"C'mon kids, we need to get going before it gets dark!" She shouted, heading to the car.

Lucy smiled and gave him one final hug. "Bye Sting. Good luck finding Rogue~" She said with a wink before running off.

"Wait... HOW DO YOU KNOW ABOUT ROGUE?!" He yelled after her, but she pretended not to hear him. He shook his head and headed over to the car. That girl will never cease to terrify me... He thought to himself, watching as Wendy gave Chelia one last hug before finally getting into the car. Soon the engine started, and they were driving away from Fiore, leaving their past life and friends behind them.



I'm horrible ;^;

I promise the next chapter will be when Sting and Rogue finally reunite, I was gonna put it on this chapter but it was getting wayyyy too long so I cut it short.

Also Lucy is the shipping queen XD

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