Chapter 3: Tour at Fowl Manor

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» = Nadine's POV: « = Artemis' POV:

»When we finished eating breakfast, dad approach me.

« I approach her as soon as we're done.

« "Dianne, I think we should go now." dad said.

» "Yeah, we should." Hell yeah we should because half a day will be needed to cover up a whole tour in the Manor.

« Hmm. She seems eager to leave the dinner hall, I'm only giving her a tour, not a move to talk to her alone. I can feel Juliet and Butler's eyes behind me.

» Then we left Juliet and Butler behind. Dad seemed so occupied, I wondered why? We first take the first floor. He showed me the living area, the lobby where you can meet the guest, then he showed me our, the Fowl coat of arms. I smiled at it. I was proud of it. After that he didn't show me the other rooms, though I already know what's inside of it. Looks like he only showed me the important part of the house.

« She seemed interested on what I showed her, especially in the Fowl coat of arms, she smiled when she saw it and there was a pride in there. Maybe she feels that our coat of arms is a symbol of Fowl Empire's pride.

» The second floor was about the guests room the music room, training room, library. First, we go to music room, I already know that dad was playing all those instruments in there and his favorite is piano but still, to act is to feel it. I asked.

"You play all of these?" I asked him pretending I was shocked to the instruments I saw.

« "Yes. Though I played piano the most." I said confidently.

» "Can you play some now?"

« "I'm still taking you to a tour maybe one of these days." I want to, too bad tour is more important now.

» "Can I also use this room?"

« I was startled at the thought, she can't remember some important details in her past but now she can play instruments. That is odd.

"You know how to play these?"

» "Yes. Guitar and piano only." Truth = 2, Lies = still counting.

« "Okay, as long as you don't destroy it." Since you are staying here might as well do what you like.

» "Of course I won't destroy it." I laughed a little.

« She laughed, she’s cute. Oh, what am I thinking?!

» After that, we head straight to the training room, I found a ball of basketball and a sudden thought strike me.

"Could we play basketball?" I asked although I know he won't agree.

« "I'm sorry but we have something to do and also I do not  play basketball." Oh, please...

» "Please! Just one try. I'll let you have an advantage." I plead! C'mon dad! Agree!

« "Okay, just one. After that no more!" Her persuading power is... I can't even measure. How did she make me agree?

» Yes! That's what I'm talking about! That's how I roll. Gotta get the ball.

"Okay, here's your ball."

« She passed me the ball; I can still feel her strength in the ball's impact on my hand.

» "All you have to do is shoot the ball here in the basket above me, but don't let me snatch it to you."

« She smiled like she knew she can get the ball, well, that’s kind of degrading. Game! I'll show you.

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