Chapter 13: One vs. ---

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Chapter 13: One vs. ???

Artemis' POV:

+ The screen come back after Opal left the room, the two goblins also left just to guard the door outside while the remaining stayed to make are the two captives won't do anything funny. They have watched Dianne planned and help Butler in the situation as they move and fight the human guards floor by floor. They reached the fifth floor and Butler has found Myles and Beckett.

"Oh, Holy Frond. Thanks. Myles and Beckett are now safe." Holly whispered with relief.

"Okay, now drop the guns or we will shoot you, together with the kids." A man's voice came from the shadow said. By that Butler turned and drop his gun ten the men stepped out in the shadows, they're five of them.

"Good..." Spiro said an ordered his guys. "Tie them. Be sure its tight! I don't want Opal to get angry by this now after all she promised me powers." Four guys now reached them, two kids now closed eyes and with a matter of second Butler move and break their bones. And Spiro shoot, however in luck of them Spiro, or this Spiro from other dimension is not good at aiming, giving Butler a chance to run to him and attack. After that, Butler lead the two kids out, no guards now for Dianne and him clean them out.

"That Spiro sucks at aiming, don't he?" I said to Holly and slightly chuckled.

"Well, it’s a good damn thing he is or otherwise..." Holly discontinued, but I get what she mean and change the topic.

"Now what is my daughter doing there." Holly and I still watched. Dianne went to sixth floor and found it full of guard goblins.

"Okay, now I really don't like this." Holly said. Then Dianne materialize a weapon.

"So that is what Foaly's talking about weapon materialized."

"Weapon materialize? Is that one of Foaly's invention?"

"Yes. In the future." Then we heard Dianne shouts.

"Come and there will be blood!"

"She's hot-blooded like you." I said

"She may be like me but I will not face an army of goblins like that." And some of the goblins plunged at Dianne and we both winced.

“C’mon! You think I will be defeated by that?” Dianne said to the goblins as she throws them with force and shoots them with Neutrino. Then another batch of goblins attacked her… Now, she uses her speed to evade and shoots them again. This event shocked the rest of the goblins because Dianne’s speed is just like a blink of an eye. Then somehow the floor was slippery and she was down.

“NO!” We both exclaimed.

This gives the goblins a chance. They attacked Dianne and the other goblins held her arms making her stand up and punched her in the stomach. Then in no time she kicked them in the face, she targeted the ones that grabbing her making an aerial kick and split. Then again she materialize a weapon an AK-47 Neutrino based gun and shoot the remaining goblin with it.

“What the…” Holly discontinued but lost of words.

“An AK-47? And it’s a Neutrino. Foaly invented that?!”

“That’s insane?! Why Foaly would invented that kind of weapon?!”

“You said it. It is because Foaly is definitely insane.”

“I’m gonna so have a good talk to him about that.” Holly said, seems like she forget that Foaly is still on the line and the people in the Ops Booth knows what they are talking about now.

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