Chapter 9: Flesh and Blood.

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Chapter 9: Flesh and Blood

Nadine's POV:

+ Meanwhile, 45 minutes ago. In the kitchen.

"Those two seemed busy, ah." Juliet said.

"Maybe that's the reason why Artemis is grinning all the time." Butler also said.

"You mean, they..." Juliet said as she slowly turning red. "... Did that?!"

"... That?!... Oh no. I don't think Artemis has the guts to do that."

"Hmm. Artemis is already young adult, who knows right. Those two are really my favorite couple." Juliet exclaimed while squealing.

"I don't think that's the reason why they are busy." I said and they both look at me.

"How come you say that?" Juliet asked.

"Just intuition." I said to them smiling. Of course, I know why they hurriedly left the dinner hall. Mom was tensed all of the time, Dad sensed it, and maybe they had an idea who am I really.

"Well your intuition sucks..." Juliet said to me and Butler and I just laugh.

"Oh, I will show you my old dresses. You'll love it. Let's go." Juliet exclaimed grabbing me by my hand dragging me to her room.

"Excuse us, Butler." I hurriedly say to him and he smiled at me.


We are in Juliet's room. I seat on of the room's chair facing the bed as she pulls her old shirts, dresses... I admit they are stylish and can improve with some remodeling on it. Hmm. Looks like I will have a collection here. Is she willing to give those to me? Oh Juliet. I can't carry those to future you know...

"This will all be yours, I hope you stay here longer for that. By the way how's your memory? Do you remember anything?"Now I need to give her new information about me.

"I remember, I can play board games and I live at a huge house like this."

"Really, like this? Then you must be a rich kid then. Do you know the address or any description to the house?"

"No. Not yet. I hope I remember soon." Faking self-pity, eww!

"You poor girl. Let's put them aside. Come here, choose." I stood up and go near the bed, try to fit and finally choose a 6 pair of shirts and pajamas.

"Okay, so you will use that for the time being then, you sure don't want the dresses?"

"I don't think someone would wear a dress when they won't go anywhere. That feels uncomfortable."

"I wish you could say that to Arty."

After that we left her room. Juliet and I carry the chosen clothes up to my room. I change and go on the living area. Then I saw Butler holding a card, more like an invitation for the card have this ribbon and everything girly in it. Then Butler saw me.

"What's that Butler?"

"An invitation from his friend. I'll go to his room or the office."

"Wait. Let me. You already cooked our breakfast. I guess it's my time to return the favor, for thanking you what you have done."

"By simply finding Artemis?" He raised his eyebrow, curiously looking at me.

"Yes. Just stay here." I only want to find out if they are contacting the present LEP for my issue being here. Then I go back upstairs I reached his room and open the door.

"Artemis, there's..." Oh, now I just have a jaw-dropped. Iris cam activates. I cleared my throat, if they think that I will close it. They're wrong. Let me spoiled the moment, shall we...

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