one • EDITED

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hello I've rewritten this chapter so I would recommend rereading it because:
— it's actually a lot less crappy
— it has a lot more detail/it's like twice as long now
— their mom is my spirit animal in this story
— get high on chocolate milk
so yeah reread this chapter or else:):):):


"Maddie?" Mackenzie asked, slowly stepping into my room.

"What's up?" I slid my headphones off, pausing my music and taking a break from my very difficult trigonometry homework.

"Have I told you that you're an amazing sister? You have some really great fashion sense, too." Mackenzie stepped closer to me.

"Okay, this is weird- you're being nice to me?" I questioned, knowing something was up. "Wait a minute- you want something." I sat up, smirking at Kenzie.

"What? Of course not. Does there have to be a reason for a girl to be nice to her sister?" Mackenzie defended.

"With you? Yes- there does," I laughed, "Just spill it."

"I- well, there's a party tonight," she started.

"Cool, have fun." I sobered my smile, laying back on my bed.

"I kind of need you to drive me," slowly stated.

I sat up once more, laughing again. "I knew it! There always has to be a reason. No, Mackenzie. I'm not driving you to a dumb middle school party. I'm not your personal chauffeur, and I'm done with you using me to get what you want!"

"It's the biggest party of the year- you have to take me!" She begged.

"What, are you and your twelve year-old friends going to get high on shots of chocolate milk? And is this like the time I just had to take you to the mall, or else your reputation would be detrimentally ruined? Or what about the time where you absolutely needed a ride to the bowling alley, or else your ten year-old boyfriend would dump you?" I ranted on, flopping down on my bed.

"It's not like you have a life, anyway! What difference is it going to make that you have to take ten minutes of your life to drive my to a party?" She yelled.

"Actually, I do have a life. I need to finish my buttload of homework, then just so happen to be going on a date with Levi tonight," I sneered.

"Can't you wait another night to get laid?" Mackenzie insulted, finally snapping.

I laughed. "I'm not a whore, so don't even. And you're a little kid; where did you learn that word?"

"From you," she smirked.

"Okay, okay, you have a point. But I swear if I catch you talking like that again, you're dead," I warned.

"So is that a no to the party?" Kenzie asked.

"Mackenzie Francis Ziegler," I began. When I used her full name she new to back off, so she immediately wiped her smirk off of her face.

"Fine, but I'm telling mom. She'll make you take me to the party," Mackenzie threatened.

"Whatever; you do you." I slid my headphones back on, getting back to my homework. I heard Mackenzie shouting for my mom before I pressed play on my music.

"Dinner is ready," Kenzie snapped an hour later.

"I thought I told you to knock," I scolded. She rolled her eyes, leaving my room and retreating to the kitchen.

I soon followed, seating myself at the table with my sister.

"Tonight's meal is Italian penne pasta, topped with fresh marinara sauce including parsley and basil, with a side of Gorgonzola cheese." My mom swooped into the room, setting down plates of food on the table.

"That's a nice way of putting 'microwaveable packaged spaghetti from walmart'," I joked.

"I happened to slave over the stove for over an hour making this meal for you girls, so don't take me for granted," my mom laughed. I rolled my eyes, causing her to fess up. "Okay, more like standing in front of the microwave for two and a half minutes."

She sat down with Mackenzie and I, and we began eating in quiet.

"Mom, aren't you going to yell at Maddie?" Mackenzie asked, breaking the silence. My mom rolled her eyes, but still turned to me.

"Maddie, can't you take a few minutes to drop her off at her party?" My mom asked gently, prepared to fight back to any possible excuses I could come up with.

"Mom, Levi and I have a date. And I have a bunch of homework to finish. You wouldn't want me to not have time for my homework, would you?" I persuaded.

"It'll only take a few minutes to drive her. I promise you'll have time to do your homework and meet Levi."

"Mom, she always gets her way! I don't want to drive her, so I shouldn't have to," I begged.

"Maddie," my mom warned. I sighed, knowing she wasn't giving in.

"Hurry and finish eating, Kenzie. We have a party to get to," I growled.

"Thank you," my mom said sincerely.

"Whatever." I stood up, taking my plate and setting it in the sink.

I grabbed my keys, but Mackenzie snatched them from my hands. She unlocked the car then threw them back, snickering at me in the process. She jogged out to the garage, slamming the door behind her.

I sighed to myself. "Sometimes, I think life would be easier without her."

so I rewrote the first chapter, whoop whoop!
it's like twice as long now, and hopefully it's a lot better. I'll be redoing all the chapters so hopefully the fanfiction will turn out a lot better.

sleeping beauty ♕ mnz • EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now