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A/N: Hellooooo I'm back! Sorry for being a bit late but.. you know, holidays,  family, exams.. So since the last time I updated I published another book and started a collab, I haven't been completely unproductive! 

ALSO LOOK AT THIS AMAZING DRAWING OF SCOMICHE AND JAMIE! Made by the lovely @/lubiemanaty on Twitter <3 

I won't say anything else cause why would you guys care. I'll leave you with an update that is twice as long as it was supposed to be, not beta-ed, and I'll see you sometime soon ( I have an exam on Wednesday, pray for me thx)



As November rolled by the world around them started to change. It wasn't exactly cold, not in Los Angeles at least, but the air did become a little crispier and the sun didn't stay out as long as before. The lack of proper winter, however, hadn't stopped the bakeries and the cafés from bringing out new flavors of hot chocolates and teas, along with the ever present gingerbread cookies, and the streets were filled with a combination of spices and sugar that inebriated the senses of pedestrians.

Splashes of white, red and green colored the city and drowned it in festive spirit. Every window shop was stuffed with decorations of different kinds, from simple bows to the most weird and sparkly ornaments. Fake christmas trees had started to appear at every corner, brightening the streets with flashing fairy lights and holding captive the gaze of every person that walked in front of them.

Traffic was even worse than usual as the afternoon light started to disappear, rows and rows of colorful cars moving ever so slowly, horn blasts and loud people creating a cacophony that made Mitch's head ache. Even after eight years of living in Los Angeles, he still was surprised by how fast people moved around him, how hardly anyone took some time to slow down and enjoy what was surrounding them. Everyone was always so preoccupied about running from one place to the other to pay attention to anything else. In a way, he thought, maybe getting stuck in traffic was the only time when some people didn't feel the pressure weighing on them.

Radio stations had already started to play Christmas music, and that was exactly what they were listening to. Every once in awhile one of their songs would air, and Mitch would turn his head and look at his left to find a smiling Scott, head bobbing and lips moving as he sang along melodies that they had arranged years ago, but that were still secured in his mind. It brought back many memories, and it was almost overwhelming to realize how so much had changed, and yet some things never did. They were still Scott and Mitch, tied together by something that had always been more strong than any friendship; no matter how many years passed, how many things happened, they were still living their lives like they were one combined human being, walking side by side in perfect synchrony, facing the world together.

Only, this year, there was something new. There was something different, an addition to their lives that had completely changed his and Scott's world, throwing every plan out of the window and making them feel like they were falling, weightless bodies at the mercy of a cruel god. At first. But every time he turned in his seat and saw sparkling blue eyes glance back at him and a tiny mouth babbling along the radio, he couldn't help but smile.

There was something so precious about the sight, his heart clenching as he watched the toddler shift every few minutes in his baby seat, playing with the green beanie that Scott had put on his head when they had left the house, and that had ended up in James' hands only seconds after being in the car. Somehow he had been able to toss away even the light blanket that they had thrown over him, although he had taken more time in doing so, probably too entranced by the cute bees drawn on the white fabric. He obviously didn't like to wear that many layers, probably because he was always very warm, his puffy cheeks constantly showing a shade of pink that made Mitch feel the urge to pinch them only to see if they could get any more intense.

One and Only ( Scomiche ) - #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now