Christmas Eve

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A/N: I know. I know. It's been almost a month. I'm sorry, I swear I am, but like I said last time I have been very very busy with exams, and I'm sadly not done yet. But I needed to finish this, for my sake and yours.

It was supposed to be just one chapter, but since this is already 5k + words, I decided to split it. And of course, this is mostly blabbering, because I'm me. Also barely edited, sorry, it's 4am.

Anyway. Chapter dedicated to my wonderful wife Sreed09 for always supporting me when I whine and stopping me from deleting everything and thus wasting even more time before updating. 

Hopefully next update will come soon. Bye <3


Connie's tree was spectacular, just as Scott had predicted.

It was almost as tall as the ceiling, and so heavily decorated with colorful ornaments and bright white lights that it seemed even bigger, and it didn't matter that it stood in the very far corner of the living room, it was still the very focus point of the entire room. The huge amount of wrapped presents under the branches sure helped, capturing the eyes of every single person stepping foot inside the house. The woman would bask in the compliments for her skillful work, her eyes gleaming as she turned to look at his husband, shaking his head with a resigned smile, used to the fact that no one would ever compliment him - after all, he was only in charge on bringing the tree inside.

It was tradition, something that reminded Scott of his childhood and that would always make him feel warm inside, and he was almost embarrassed to admit how many times he had dreamed about going home for Christmas and share that small moment of his past life with his new family. It was even better than his daydreams, though, because this year it wasn't just a blurred mental picture of two or more people standing close to him.

Instead, glued to his side like he always did was Mitch, holding his wide eyed son in his arms like nothing was weird about it, and Scott was enamoured with that sight - so much that he felt an irrational feeling of jealousy make its way through his body, boiling in his stomach and making his breathing speed up when he realized that other people were witnessing the beauty of his family.

There was nothing to be jealous about, he was aware of it. Gathered around them were both of their families, looking at the three of them like the most marvelous thing since they had stepped inside the house a couple of minutes before. He knew that every single person in that room was anything but happy for them, but still a part of him wanted to wrap his arms around Mitch's shoulders as if to shield him and Jamie from unwanted attention.

Of course, that couldn't happen. As soon as they had passed the threshold of his house and freed themselves from their coats and bags, James had ended up in a different pair of arms, surrounded by smiling faces and words of praise. Scott was thankful that his boy was a very calm baby, because he knew that if he had been the one surrounded by so many unfamiliar faces, he would be screaming his lungs out. Instead, Jamie was quiet, too preoccupied with his pacifier and the lions printed on his orange playsuit to really care about what was going on.

Scott stood still and watched with a lump in his throat as Mike took the blonde boy in his arms and seated himself on the big couch, Rick following suit, the two men completely lost in the small movements that Jamie was making. Only when fingers that he knew too well closer around his wrist and tugged him down he realized that he was the only one still on his feet, and that his hands were closed in fists. As soon as he sat down next to Mitch, he felt himself relax, almost like a heavy rock had been lifted from his shoulders.

He wondered if the man would ever stop having such a power on him. If one day he would stop feeling like everything was okay just being next to him, with their legs lightly touching and Mitch's fingers still wrapped around his own hand, his unique scent filling his nose and making him feel like he was home, no matter where they were in the world. If his lips would ever stop curling into a smile as soon as those brown eyes turned to look at him, if he would ever stop feeling like his whole universe was getting brighter with just one look.

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