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A/N: Hi. 

Is anyone still reading/caring about this? I hope so. I'm so SO sorry for not updating for..fuck, 3 months. I was just so busy, like, more than I've ever been in my entire life. I started a job, my first real adult job, and adjusting to a new schedule and times was so hard. Plus I'm reaching the end of my postgraduate degree so I was so busy with exams and dissertation and all that shit.

And also writer's block. But I never stopped wanting to write this story and everything else, so here I am, hoping that you just didn't stop caring about this silly little story.

Without further ado, I'll leave you to the update. Leave me some comments or come talk to me on twitter, I love you all <3 - Lia


The white and glass building stood in front of them, high and mighty as it always did. Albeit having been there so many times that he had lost count during the past three weeks, Mitch still felt a feeling of uneasiness every time he had to cross its doors.

Today was no different than any other, except his hands were a little bit sweatier, his heart beating a little bit faster. He turned his head on the right so that he could watch Scott's face, and he wasn't surprised to find him a little bit paler than usual, his arms wrapped around James so tight that he was expecting their son to start complaining in just a couple of minutes.

Not that he could blame him, though. The building was scary as it was, the letters spelling Children's Hospital Los Angeles looking bigger and bigger the more they walked towards the entrance, so much so that Mitch could almost feel their weight on his shoulders as they finally walked through the sliding doors. The colorful entryway did nothing to help his racing heart, and he wondered if that had ever been the purpose.

As they followed the young nurse that welcomed them down familiar hallways, Mitch let himself think back to the last three weeks of their lives, mentally reliving the events that had taken them to today - to what he hoped would be Jamie's last test.

He thought back to the first time they had met with Dr. Heinfeld, how kind and pleasant the middle aged man had been - clearly aware of how worried and unsure they were, reading their anxiety from their faces. The man had tried to explain the situation to the best of his abilities, trying to make them understand what they had to do now, and what the possible outcomes could be.

"The first thing we'll do is another blood test," he had said, his eyes shifting quickly between the screen he had in front of him and the scared couple seated on the chairs in front of his desk. "Sometimes different labs might give different results. If the leucocytes' number is normal, then consider the whole thing over. If it's indeed still high, then we'll proceed to the next step."

Jamie had taken the blood test that same day, the results arriving just the morning after. Walking inside the office of Dr. Heinfeld, Mitch had hoped that everything would be fine - a mistake of some sort, maybe even a stupid joke. Of course, as soon as he had seen the doctor's face, all hopes had been crushed. Turning to Scott, he had seen the same kind of disappointment and worry written all over the beautiful face of his boyfriend, and part of him had accepted a truth that he wasn't yet ready to say out loud.

So the tests had begun, and in a span of three weeks, Jamie had been poked and prodded more than both Scott and Mitch had ever been in their entire lives. It had been heartbreaking, seeing their son crying and complaining every time a nurse got close to him with some sort of needle, or just fussed around him to get every single information that could help finding the answer they were all looking for.

If possible, the two of them had become even more close, seeking comfort in each other, trying to fight the shadow of worry that had started to consume them every time more questions came up, but still no answers. They would hold tight during the nights, listening to their heartbeats and swallowing down the fear with kisses and moans in a futile attempt to push the worry to the back of their minds.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2016 ⏰

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