Chapter one: Im not alone?

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Hi, my name is Lily and before you ask about my last name I dont have one. Well at least I don't remember it. My life has been difficult to say the least. When I was 5, my Mom and I were driving home and we crashed off a bridge and our car fell into a river. Odd enough I survived but my mother died. My father left my mom before I was born so I was alone. I've been in 5 foster homes but I never stay too long. I either get kicked out of school and then kicked out of the home or random monster like things would attack the family and I would be blamed. 

So now I'm now living in a small cove in New York City. It was the least polluted one I could find. Sitting on the beach with my feet in the water. But they weren't wet..... For as long as I can remember I have been able to breathe underwater, communicate with sea animals and move water at my will.

Unless it's polluted and that's a lot considering I'm in New York.

I force my tired, aching body to get up to walk to the city so I can look for my next meal, which is most likely just going to be garbage. It's almost the end of spring and the beginning of summer. The air is crisp but warm from the layer of clouds in the sky. My clothes from trash are practically rags and the streets are busy as usual.

As I'm walking on the street I bump into a boy about 16, a year older than me. He had a small goatee and wore baggy jeans. At Impact he looked like he's just had a electric shock go through him. Then unexpectedly he grabs my hand. "Come with me" he says quickly.

Before I can react he drags me into an ally. I've been through the this situation before. I kick him in the ankle but his shoe comes off.

Instead of a foot like a normal boy he has a hoof! To shocked to react, what was he another monster trying to attack me?! Thousand questions danced through my mind. Realization swept across his face.

"Okay I know you're probably really confused right now but I need you to trust me. You've had encounters with things that don't even seem possible right? Monster like things?"

My throat feels like it's filled with sand so I just nod. "Right. There are other like you. They're called halfbloods. Even a whole camp for kids like you and me."

Wait did I hear that right? People who can breath underwater like me?! My train of thought is interrupted when the goat boy started talking again. "I will thoroughly explain later but I must insist that you come with us to the camp."

"Us?" I croak. Sure enough there is a white van that has a big strawberry on the side waiting for us, with the door open and a boy about 16 at the wheel. "if you need to go explain to your parents that you want to leave or grab some things, we can drive you there?" The awkward boy asked. If only you knew I'm alone and have nothing that's of sentimental value. " that's okay." I reply trying to show no emotion that I'm alone. So we hopped in the car and we're off to this so called "camp"

On the way to "camp" I learned that the goat boys name is Grover Underwood. He talked more about this camp but I was too bewilder by what was happening to listen. Maybe I would actually have a home?!

When we arrived there was a tree on top of the hill that was guarded by a dragon?!? There was a odd, glowing pelt of something hanging in one of the branches. "Oh don't worry he's harmless, well unless you are trying to steal that Golden fleece on the branch there." Once we got out we walked up the hill into the camp.

He supposedly took me to the "Big House", which is just sort of a big house. Once we enter I see a sort of old man in a wheelchair. "Hey Chiron this is...." His Voice fades away I forgot I didn't tell him my name.

" Its Lily." I remember when my mom used to call me water lily. "Ah ok , Since you are the first one here I'll fill you in." I'm not sure what that meant but I braced myself for the worst. Chiron hesitated. "It's okay, just be blunt with me." I tried to state confidently. The man in The wheelchair did the most expected thing. Got up but instead of a set of legs he had a half horse body. I just stood there in shock, which wasn't the first time today. "So have you ever heard of Greek gods?"
"Ya, I mean a little. Like Zeus and stuff right?" All of a sudden thunder rumbled. "Names are not taken lightly here. But anyways yes they are real and the children with a mortals are the result of you."

"Me?" I thought Grover said there others like me. "Well not just you but all the gods that have children with mortals." I tried to keep a calm face even through I was screaming my head off inside. All of a sudden my stomach rumbled.

"You must be hungry. We're about to have dinner".When we walked out there were all sorts of mythical creatures playing games or hanging around. I just kept walking hoping to get some food soon. I haven't eaten in two whole days. And that's not even the longest I've gone. "And that's where we keep the horses." Grover pointed out. He kept on rambling on. Something about the forrest full of monsters and magical cups that filled with anything.

Just when we were about to see the cabins I saw a boy about 16. He had black hair and green eyes. Next to him was a girl with blond hair and grey eyes. "That's Percy and Annabeth. They're pretty big deal around here and happen to be my best friends." Grover said proudly. I locked eyes with Percy and instantly knew he was powerful. Grover waved at them and they started to approach. I've never been good with new people so I just kept walking toward the cabins.

"Hey! Lily! Wait up!" I heard Grover yell from behind me. But I just kept going.....

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