Chapter 2 I have two brothers

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Grover had caught up to me and insisted on questioning me why I ran off. I just shrugged and kept walking. We ended up at a campfire with tables for each cabin of the child of the God. I went to the Hermes cabin bench. That's where all the kids go before they're claimed. Yeah right like anybody want me. My dark brown hair and green eyes. I didn't think I was a pretty sight but some boys kept staring at me at the Hermes table. A few of them tried to talk to me but I just ignored them I'm not should make friends as soon as I have what I need I plan to leave. I'll probably stay here for a month or two but that I'll have to move on. Although I must admit these so filling cups are pretty cool. But the sacrifice food to the gods was pretty weird. I stayed not in the Hermes cabin that night. I got a new pair of clothes. Jean shorts and a orange shirt that said CHB. I got up super early and did my hair in a braid.  Then the strangest thing happened. I found a small beach with a dock and decide to go for a swim. I had no idea that somebody else was there too. I was sitting underwater trying to gather my thoughts, talked to a few fishy friends, and grab some seashells but when I emerged completely dry I saw a boy with dark hair, bags under his eyes, and just gave off the feeling of death. He looked at me with wide eyes like a just grown three more heads. But that his I shifted upwards and I saw a big trident floating above my head. He grabbed my wrist and pulled me away from the beach in a hurry. Next thing I know I'm being dragged to the big house.

"CHIRON!!!!!" He yelled. The half man half horse walked into the room. His head almost touched the ceiling. "Who is this?!" The emo boy almost yelled pointing to me. "That's Lily, she's a new recruit." Chiron said calmly. "Why is something wrong, Nico?" The centaur glanced a worried look my way. Nico that's what the crazy boys name was. "Well maybe not wrong but something big!" Nico stated.
"Well spit it out then!" Chiron demanded.
"SHES BEEN CLAIMED BY POSEIDON!!!" He yelled. I finally stepped in after the clouds rumbled. "Umm, what does claimed mean?" I half spoke half mumbled. Did I mention I have terrible social skills? I don't interact much with actual humans my closest things I call my friends are fish. "Well that means that your father..." He glanced outside. "...Poseidon has claimed you so you may now move into the appropriate cabin." Chiron finished. I took I seashell I collected from the beach earlier out of my pocket. No wonder I've always been so in touch with the sea. Is that when my mom died? Why haven't I know him before? Was I too much of a bother to see once and awhile? I was to confused by these questions that I haven't realized that there was a group of people forming at the door. Great this will spread like wildfire and I will be the freak of the camp. I shouldn't care what people think of me but I still can't help but think I was doing something wrong. My thumb kept going back and forth across the sea shell in my hand. "Well we'll have to get you moved into your fathers cabin then." Chiron. He created a path through the crowd of people at the door. He led me to a smaller blue cabin decorated will seashells and magnificent sea plants. I recognized a few of them. Once Chiron knocked on the door almost instantly a saw a boy open the door. Well he looked like a boy at first but once I saw his face a was a little taken back. This huge mountain of a boy only had one eye!
"Hello Tyson" Chiron started.
Tyson just kept looking at me and the camp owner seemed to notice. "Tyson have you met Lily?"
"Lily?" Tyson repeated.
"Yes well it has just been discovered that she..." His voice faded and he gave me a warning look. " your sister." That that moment the Cyclopes eye lit up and smiled from ear to ear. He looked like he was about to lunge at me but instead wrapped me into a big bear hug. I was so startled I haven't been hugged in at least 7 years so I just stood still. "I expect you will help he feel at home?" The centaur said but we both knew the answer. "YES!" He yelled. Every one around looked our way. I could feel myself turning red. I have never gotten this much attention. Chiron left me with me with my new older brother. Tyson let me pick out a bed. I chose the one in the top right corner, farthest way from every body as possible. I noticed the another bed that was occupied. "Who else is in this cabin?" I questioned. I hoped it was a girl. "Oh that's Percy's bed." He replied fixing up the cabin. Wait that really popular kid at camp was my brother?!? Just at that moment someone walked in. It was him. Those green eyes and raven black hair. "Percy!" Tyson chirped. "We have a sister!" Now he was almost jumping up and down. Percy looked at me with wide eyes. "So your the talk of the camp!" He said to me. Then he held out his left hand. At first I was confused but then realized he wanted to shake my hand. "Oh sorry" I mumbled. Put out my right hand and grabbed his left. "Hey if yo don't mind Tyson I want to talk to Lily at the beach." He said. My heart sank. Oh no, this was it. The "who-the-heck-are-you-and-why-are-you-here" talk. We walked down to the beach and onto the doc. I wanted to dive in and not come out. Percy was in a daze like e was remembering a good memory. "So...." He started "talk to any interesting fish lately?" He said smirking. That was offaly sudden but then I remembered I met a bass named Lizzy. Well that's what I called her. " umm actually there was this sea bass. I called her Lizzy. She was coming all the way from the Pacific Ocean..." I stopped rambling when I noticed Percy was almost laughing. "Oh that was a joke." I mumbled. My face turned the color of the ripest strawberry in the fields. "Hey sorry I just wasn't expecting you to answer." He said holding in a smile. I let my temper get the best of me and I formed a wave and splashed him. He looked startled at first but he was dry.....oh right same dad. "Hey! You want to go!" Said laughing.
"Hahahah! Bring it on!" But before we could duke it out, the blond I saw with Percy earlier came down. "SEAWEED BRAIN!"

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