Chapter nine: Decisions and dicoveries

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The thing I fear most. Yet so common and loved by so many others.

"Hey Lily?! You coming?" I heard a voice yell far in front of me. Annabeth.

"Ya, ya I'll be there, go ahead." I yelled back.

Walking to the campfire took a lot longer then it should have. I almost backed out twice. All I can say the only thing that kept me going was my nightmare.

It drove me to find out how to seek revenge.

Every once and a while people would past me. Some giving me questioning looks. Then my new sibling, kelp face, came up behind me.

"Hey, Lily! Why are you taking so long? You left like twenty minutes ago."

" was just admiring the scenery?" I told him but not very convincingly.

"Something's wrong, isn't it."

I shook my head and looked away. There was silence. Percy finally broke the spell when he spoke.

"So I know you've been here a month but I feel like I don't know you at all." He stated. Well there's a reason for that.

"Well...what do you want to know."I told him, glad that we were off the subject, as we started walking to the campfire.

"I never learned your last name!"

I could feel my body stiffen and I came to a stop. Of all the things he could have asked, he had to choose the one I couldn't answer.

"I...umm...don't have one..." Percy looked at me questioningly and I could almost see the gears turning in his head.

"What do you mean? Everyone comes from somewhere." He questioned as he also came to a stop.

Except for me...

"Nah I.....moved a lot and didn't have....."I paused every once and a while choosing my words carefully. "..much family so I never really got one."

Then he did the thing I least expected. Instead of questioning me or making fun of me, he threw his arm around my shoulder playfully and said the words I would never forget.

"Well from this day on, your Lily Jackson." I froze. Tears threatened to come out but I wasn't going to let that happen. I looked into his sea green eyes and did another thing I didn't think would happen in my life time.

I hugged him.

I was never the biggest on touching other people. But this was different. I had stand on my toes to wrap my arms around his neck. Never the less I was the most happy I had been in a long, long time.

I broke away when I remembered where we were. We continued to walk to the campfire where my day would get even weirder.


At the campfire there was rows of seating around the deadly ball of light, each on more elevated then the last and the rows were made of benches. I sat in the very back of one row, alone. Everyone split into groups including Percy, Annabeth and Grover. Well everyone accept Nico and I. He was on the other side of the bench I was on, halfway hidden in shadows.

I could tell he was scanning the crowd. The stalker gets stalked, that's new.

His eyes stopes and I looked to see who had caught the son of deaths eye. I was surprised at the least to see it landed on.....Percy?!

The forgotten three (Daughter of Poseidon fanfiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora