Chapter ten: Hidden Talents

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Lily's POV

It was all to much. All of it was echoing in my head. 'From now on your Lily Jackson.' 'I believe she could be apart of this important prophecy.' There was to many people and fire and, and, and--

I just ran.

I new that the last time this happened all the water around me got restless. Then there's all the plumbing exploding.

As I ran into the nearest patch of trees leading into the forrest, my breathing was rough and my throat was stinging. I pushed my legs as bad as I could, the almost setting sun made the trees look like ghouls reaching out trying to grab me. All the things I had to do came flooding back.

First Percy just like accepted me when I know it's just going to end horribly so I had to stop that. Next I was supposed to be apart of this big prophecy. Hera! I still had to hang out with that Hephaestus kid!

My mind still spinning I kept running. Next thing I know I'm in a small clearing surrounded by trees. I collapsed on the fresh green grass. My head in my hands, my breathing still rigid. Every sound was gone. The only thing I could hear was my pounding heart in my ears.

Being in this state, I couldn't hear the approaching foot steps. Well not foot steps. More like hove stomps. It came up behind me only for me to notice it when it's looming shadow casted over my exhausted from.

I whipped around and the beast in front of me was more than startling. The creature before me was at first glance a man but it's head was in fact of what looking like a bull. It's horns broad and head tall. The monsters eyes filled with hate, it charged.

At first my body wouldn't move, it was within five feet of me when I shook free from paralysis and sprinted away. The trees becoming blurs as I pasted them.

I know I can't outrun it in this state so I have to get to safety. Then I'll have to-. My train of thought was interrupted by my feet tripping over something and face connecting with the stone, hard ground. The huffing and stomping wasn't far behind and I knew I was in for a trip to the underworld if I didn't move. With this information I decided to try and take on the beast, only to realize I didn't have a weapon. Ok think, Percy told me about when he faced one of these things. I'll have to make it hurt itself. So I picked myself up and kept going except this time I looped around to head back to the clearing.

I felt something hot trickle down my forehead. I whipped it away to find a crimson liquid on my hand.

Ugh of course now all sorts of monsters are going to be drawn here. Why the Hades did I run into the forest, I'm such an idiot!

I heard it coming up behind me and chose this time to put my plan in action. I picked a thick, sturdy tree and charged straight for it. The bull headed thing hot on my trail.

As soon as I reached the large tree I made a sharp left and started heading for the clearing once again. I whipped my dark hair over my shoulder, when the vision in my right eye now blurred with blood.

I heard a thud behind me. I knew what had hit the tree but I wasn't sure if it had any effect. Then my ears detected a cracking noise. I glanced over my shoulder and saw the supposedly sturdy tree falling straight towards me.

It was so shocking I couldn't help but scream. This is it, I'm finally going to die. Not in the way I thought I would but oh well. In my last efforts to live I sprinted as fast as I could full force forward.

The tree about to strike hit me. Well my leg. The very of the top of the towering vegetation had crushed my leg. I heard a snap come from bone and cried out in pain.

I saw black spots at the edges of my vision. My leg started to go numb, which I know is a bad sign but it defiantly felt better than what it was before.

The monster was in front of me now. Blowing steam out of its nose and its eyes filled with hate and satisfaction. As I lay cripple beneath the tree I saw a gleam of light. I looked to the left and saw Caden, with a sword in hand. 

As mighty as he looked, his hands were shaking violently. Even if he was scared he didn't show it he charged right at the beast and swung his sword. A blinding light shined so bright I was forced to shut my eyes. That was all I saw before I lost consciousness.

Caden's POV

I was looking at the evening sky. The sun was almost set, leaving the sky in a masterpiece of colors. The environment  was calm and had the feeling that everything was right in the world. My brothers and sisters messing around and singing songs in front of me. That feeling vanished when I heard a scream off in the forrest in the direction that Lily ran off in. It had to be her so I took off running towards the source, my new sword what banging against my right leg.

What if I have to use my sword?! I won't be any good and I'll get killed as well!! Despite all my worries my mind only had one thought. I have to help her.

I sprinted as fast as I could and came across a clearing. It would have been pretty if there hadn't been a murder about to happen in the middle of it.

A tree was tipped over and laying on the ground but under it was Lily. Her leg looked completely crushed and the rest of her didn't look the best either. Not that I was checking her out.

There was a beast that I recognized as a minator from ancient mythology class. I knew that I had a high chance of dyeing but I had to help Lily so I charged the beast with all my strength. With the sun beating on my face, I swung.

A blinding light appeared and it seemed to be coming from my hands. The monster tried to shield its eyes from the beam but it was no use. I pushed the light so it was like looking straight into the sun. The creature made a horrid noise. Understandable, considering its skin was burning off. Well at least I thought that's what was happening, I was just going off what I heard.

My strength was fading fast and so was the shining light. I eased back on what I thought was my new power. Not long after, my sight had come back. A pile of dust lay at my feet.

Reality set in and I was finally aware of my surroundings. Lily. She was my first thought. I urgently scanned around me and I soon saw her cripple body.

I rushed to her side and checked her pulse. Thank the gods. There was a very faint thump thump under my fingers but it was fading. I noticed the large branch crushing her leg and started to move it.

Afterwards I gathered her in my arms and took off towards the infirmary. The only thing racing through my mind was oh in the name of the gods please be all right...

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2016 ⏰

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