Chapter three: Evil Cheerleaders

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Just when I was about to kick my older brothers butt in a water battle the girl I saw with Percy earlier yesterday came down the dock. She had blond curly hair and stormy grey eyes. She also had a book in her hand. Since I get scared around new people I did with my instincts told me to do. Dive into the water. I came in impact with the water and held onto the dock with my head above the water so I could hear Percy and the blondie. "What'cha do'n down here?" A smooth voice asked.
"Uhhhhhh.." Percy hesitated. I could tell he was looking at me through the boards of the dock. Please, please, don't do it. "You can come out know, Lily." He confessed. Dang it! He had to go and rat me out. Then again I would do the same, so I wouldn't seem crazy. But still you think you can trust your brother that you just met 15 minutes ago and he turns on you. With that I willed the waves to push me up so I was on like a pillar. Then I stepped onto the dock. The girls expression was priceless. At first it was shocked then turned to interest. She stepped forward. I tried to shrink back but there was no more dock so the water filled its place. Oh how I wish I could disappear.  "Oh, sorry my name is Annabeth and it's just your the talk of the camp and-" she started but before she could finish I sunk into the water and sped off.  Ya no, I'm not into the whole "Oh Ive heard so much about you" thing. "She's doesn't get out much." I faintly heard Percy say.

         I emerged about a half mile off and then went into the forrest. I feel like I'm forgetting something. But it was so peaceful, there was a little stream near by and I watched the waves and listened to the birds and wild life for a while. Why is there nobody else here, it's so peaceful. Then I got up and started back towards the ocean but when I was walking and I saw a nymph thing and stopped in awe. That was a mistake. The next thing I knew a girl dressed in a cheerleader uniform came out of the woods. "Awww, I thought you were a boy." She said.
"Umm is there something wrong with being a girl. I mean your one." I replied sarcastically. But instead of protesting she just snickered. " Oh is that so?"
Then before I could comprehend what she said she attacked. I ducked out from her reach and grabbed a branch. "What's your problem lady!" I yelled. I picked up the closest thing to a weapon, which was a stick. She lunged again and I hit her across the face with my stick. I ran to the stream and stood in the middle of it. I saw the evil cheerleader come around a tree. "You know if you were a naïve boy this would have been so much easier." she groaned. What? That's very odd. But before I could finish that thought she charged at me but with fangs in the place of teeth. I willed the water to blast her away then I started to run in the opposite direction. But she recovered faster than I thought she would. I had just made her even more mad. She's surprisingly fast too. "Ah ha! Child of Poseidon! Nice and salty!" She said as she licked her lips. I really do not like this crazy vampire lady. Just when I thought I had made it a safe distance she was running right on my tale. I grabbed another stick sharper this time. But that didn't do much. She grabbed at my ankles and I stabbed her in the shoulder. "AHHHHHHH!" She screeched. I fumbled to get up again. Then I saw a skeleton with armor and a small dagger out of the corner of my eye. The dagger looked quite sharp and appeared to be made of gold or bronze. I snatched at the handle of my new weapon, then struggled to get up. Only the second day and I am about to be killed! I thought. The psychotic, evil cheerleader was at my heels yet again. "You just keep coming back don't you?" I ask sarcastically.
"Well I need to eat and the children of Poseidon just happen to be low in fat." She replied. Before she could make her next move I charged with a dagger in my hand and newly found confidence. She seemed taken at first but got into battle stance. We fought for a good 2 minutes before I tried to deliver the final blow. But she jumped on top of me and I accidentally cut her foot off. But it turns out it was a hoof like Grover's! "Ewwwwww" I say in disgust over her scream. If she wasn't trying to kill me then maybe, just maybe I would feel sorry for her or whatever she is. We   struggled for at least thirty seconds and she almost bit me with those fangs 3 times. I finally stabbed we in the back and she turned into dust all over me. "Gross" I say to my self. I look at the small pile of bust that used to be a girl and wonder why her hoof didn't disintegrate too. I pick it up and decide to try and make it back to camp by walking.

The first person to see me was a kid from the Apollo cabin. I came limping out of the woods and the boy helped me to the infirmary. It was almost dinner when Chiron came into see me. "Where were you!?" He questioned.
"I was talking to Percy on the dock and then that girl Annabeth came down and I got....nervous. Then I swam away and came up in the forest. Then this crazy cheerleader came at me with fangs and crazy hoof feet. Wait, was that one of Grover's friends!?!" I told him. Chiron just chuckled."Dont worry that was an empousa. They have a habit of seducing men and then devouring them." He replied. Oh so that's what she meant. I tried to sit up but saw black spots at the corner of my vision. Chiron seemed to notice. "You should rest I can bring you dinner." He insisted. I hate to seem weak and felt sorry for. I'm not staying here. I force my sore body to the camp tables. I got a lot of stares as I sat down with Percy. "Where's Tyson?" I asked Percy.
"He went to go work at my dads forges underwater." He said.
"Our dad" I corrected.
"Anyway, you recovered fast. The first time I battled a monster I was out for three days." He mumbled the last part.
For the first time I've seen Percy blushed. (Not like I like you blush its embarrassed blush). Dinner was going to be over soon when Percy broke the silence. "But if you ever want to go swimming just ask. Maybe you can keep up." He smirked. "Oh please I've spent almost all my life under water" then I felt a twinge of guilt. No stop it you can't get used to it here everyone will get hurt.

The forgotten three (Daughter of Poseidon fanfiction)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora