Chapter Seven

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*Adam's POV*

Tommy has been avoiding and ignoring me for the past two days. Whenever he saw me in the hallways he would

1) if he had enough time he would either turn up the stairs or go to the opposite side, or

2) put his head down and stare at the ground or look away, blatantly disregarding me when I would try to smile and/or say hi.

I was going to find him yesterday and ask him what was wrong, but since he was staying completely out of my path and hiding wherever he could, he made it impossible for me to contact him face to face, and then electronically, when he would refuse to respond to my texts and Facebook messages. To say the very least, it bothered me to no end. I thought that after what happened Wednesday night we were going up, I thought we were starting to work things out and get on track. I thought he had forgiven me... Shouldn't that make us go forward?

By the time I reach my group of friends after the bell rings, I can already see Tommy dismissing himself and leaving, and then Allyson going shortly after to catch her bus home. My eyebrows furrow and I decide against chasing after him, so I let it go and am stuck here with anger and confusion seeds growing in the pit of my stomach. I give Rose and David a half smile as I approach them; they don't need to fake their happiness as they smile back—that makes me a little jealous, I'll admit.

"Hey guys," I say distractedly, looking beyond them to try and catch glimpses of Tommy as he walks down the street.

Merely a few seconds later, his bus pulls up and starts loading students. He's going to walk all the way home in this cold just so he doesn't have to talk to me, I think with frustration. Why won't he talk to me?!

"Earth to Adam," Rose says, waving a hand in front of my face to snap me back from gazing off into space. "What was that all about?" I shake my head and blink a few times trying to fully come out of my trance.

"Nothing, I'm just...tired," I lie, readjusting my bag on my shoulder to distract me from the anxiousness I feel inside.

Apparently Rose has nothing else to say, and plays with her lip ring, throwing her hood up over her head. I look at David and he's looking at the ground, moving around the snow and dirt mix with the tip of his shoe. I feel kind of bad for not staying with him more because of all the new drama with Tommy.

So I ask him, "How's everything going with you so far, David?" He lifts his head up and smiles gratefully, seeming to be pleased that I asked.

"It's going really well," he says, "My aunt and I really get along, it's not as bad as I thought it would be here, and I've got friends here, too, now," he meets eyes with Rose and then me, adding, "Especially you two." This time, I wear a genuine grin.

"I'm happy to hear that." I grab him and hug him and he struggles to get free, and I can't stop the laughter that escapes me. He starts to chuckle and pushes me away, rolling his eyes.

"Why do you always hug me?" he mocks playfully. I shrug.

"You're very huggable," I state and we all giggle.

I don't want to take the bus home, so Rose and David leave before I do, Rose getting on the bus and David's aunt picking him up. I look around me at the nearly empty school yard and feel suddenly alone. There's no one with me to share this sunny day, a day that could prove to be prosperous and exciting. But instead I'm left here to think by myself about how I fucked everything up. I sigh heavily, unable to obtain my self-pity to a minimum, and start to slug home.

When I get there, I take off my shoes, throw my bag on the table and fall onto the couch, rolling over and burying my face in my pillow. I hear footsteps from the kitchen and they get louder then fade away as, from what I assume, they hit the carpet. A hand touches my shoulder and someone sits down on the couch.

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