Chapter Thirteen

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"Going somewhere?"

-Tommy's POV-

 I stood, frozen in instant fear of the sight of my stepfather standing in the doorway. I could feel every cell in my body screaming at me to move, to get out of the room, but I couldn't get through the door because he was blocking the exit.

My eyes scanned the room and the only exit was a small window that wasn't even big enough for my suitcase to get through let alone my fat ass. Why couldn't the last people put a bigger window in my room?

"I'm going to ask you again, going somewhere?" He growled, his alcoholic breath made it's way towards me and i almost gagged at the horrorific stench.

 "N-no where, just to a friend's house." I stuttered, my heart was hammering in my chest.

Why couldn't I just let Adam inside with me?  Why did i have to be so fuck stupid?

"No you're not going anywhere, you little piece of shit." He took a step inside my room and on instinct, I backed away from him.

 My hands began to shake, my grip on the suitcase became tighter and my hand started to hurt from squeezing so hard. He continued to take a few more steps into the room and i found myself being backed into a corner.

 "You aren't going to leave me like your little bitch of a mother left me."  He grabbed a fist full of my shirt, i dropped the suitcase and tried to get his hand off of me.

 "Let go of me!" I yelled as I pounded my fist against his chest, but it didn't seem to phase him.

 "Shut the fuck up!" He back handed me across the face, causing my head to snap hard to the left and stars danced in my vision as my head clipped the wall.

 I felt his fists pound my sides, i screamed out in pain as his fist dug into the side of my ribs. I could feel them bruise but thank god no cracks, yet. With each blow i saw more dark spots align my vision and i felt drained by the eleventh punch. But then a surge of strength emerged from somewhere in me and i opened my mouth and screamed.

 "ADAM!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. I screamed his name a few more times before his hand clamped over my mouth, ceasing all my screams. I silently prayed that he heard me since we were in the room in the farthest part of the house.

 My screams were muffled but they sounded loud in my ears. I could feel my lungs screaming for air because his big hand was covering my nose as well as my mouth. Tears streamed down my face and i kept my blurry, dark vision locked on the door praying that Adam would run through that door.

 His hand loosened its grip on my shirt and a muffled scream emerged from my throat as i felt it go lower. I struggled so hard to break free from him but it was no use, i wasn't strong enough.

"Stop moving and take it like a fucking man, you little bitch." He exclaimed and i could feel his hand unzippering my jeans.

As his hand was on the waistband of my boxers, I gathered up the little strength that i hand left and tried to open my mouth from underneath his hand. Then when i felt his skin against my tongue, i bit down hard. His other hand left my boxers and he hollered out in pain. The hand that was once on my mouth was now against his chest. The taste of copper, metallic of his blood was left in my mouth from when i bit him.

 He stumbled back, unbalanced because of the alcohol and his eyes were narrow, angry slits as they glared at me. I felt my energy drain quickly and i fell to the floor. Through my dark vision i could see him advance towards me, only to get knocked away and i could hear guys screaming.

 "You are under arrest for the abuse and molestation." I heard someone say and i saw the cops take Seth out of the room.

 My eyes started to close when I heard his voice, "Tommy, baby, please stay with me. Its okay , I'm here. We are going to take you home, kitten." My heart skipped a beat at that new name and i tried so hard to keep my eyes opened.

 "Tommy, keep your eyes opened." I heard Adam beg, his voice was cracking.

 I felt myself leave the ground and i knew he took me into his arms. My eyes fluttered closed as he lied me in the back of the car. Then i felt his presence faded, but a few moments later he was back again and i knew he went back into the house to get my suitcase.

 "Mom, we need to get  home." I heard his voice was scared and judging be his voice he was also crying.

 "Okay, Tommy, we will be home in a few minutes." I heard his mom say and as we got farther away from that horrible house, i felt a weight lift off my shoulders. I knew i was going to be protected and cared for with Adam and his parents and I hated my decision about moving back in with my stepfather.

 I could feel Adam's arms around me, holding me close to his side and my head leaned against his chest. I could hear his frantic heartbeat in my ear and i knew i was finally safe. My eyes opened again, to see his blue eyes staring down at me and I couldn't help but let them slide close.


Hey everyone, i'm sorry if this was short...... i couldn't really figure out how to put the idea in my head down in a chapter.... so i tried. I'm sorry if it felt rushed at all..... I promise to try and update again soon.

 Love you all,




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