Chapter 2

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Buck's pov

We had just come up on the Devil Dogs trail when Jeff caught someone on the thermal. Huckleberry took one steep toward it when we heard a growl. Oh shit there here they were always here and who ever that is there going to be hurt or killed. I thought trying to push fear out of my mind.

Back to My pov

I hated to try and run from this fast animal but I had no choice. I couldn't fight a pack of canines even with my pack. I turned to look how many there were. My eyes widened as I tried to get my vision to work. No I'm not normal. My whole family and friends are not normal.

"Oh shit that's the Devil Dog. I've got them on the thermal." One of the guys said. I could understand what the Devil Dogs were saying. "Get out of our home." The alpha said. "Please I just need to get away from here. Dont hurt my pack." I begged her. She looked angry but her eyes lightened up a little as she spoke. "All right but if your pack comes back in my territory I will have a right to kill them." I nodded as her pack backed up so me and my pack could leave. "Who ever you are behind that rock come out now before they get to you." Said the leader or who I thought was the leader. Never. I will never go over there. I dont know who they are. "Spike you and the pack go first." I whispered to him and the rest of the pack. "Ok but if they hurt you I will personally rip there necks off." Spike whispered back. I gave him a stern look. He got up motioned for the others to fallow.

The alpha nodded to him and bowed her head. He bowed back and then they ran off. The alpha came right over to me. "I'm sorry for scaring you the way I did. I was scared you were going to find my pups and hurt them." She told me.

I shook my head as I spoke. "I never hurt anyone or anything that doesn't hurt me or if I have a grudge on someone. Wait you aren't asking me how I can understand you. Are you not scared?"

"No. I knew because you talked to the wolves that you were with. Plus I know your secret. Now go we will cover you."

"Wait what is you name?"

"Haha haha. My name is Alpha."

I nodded then got up and ran for it. I ran hard and fast but soon I didn't hear anything not even with my advanced hearing. I walked for about another 3 minutes when I smelt meat. Deer meat and Cow meat. I walked to the smell.

When I finally found it I tried to pick it up but when I picked it up a hidden door came slamming down and locked me in. Shit I'm trapped now. Then I saw Alpha and her pack. I begged her with my eyes but I heard yelling and she mouthed sorry and left with out hesitation. I backed up to the far corner and tried to blend in with it. I can't use my powers or they will know my secret. "We got something in there." Said the leader. Think Jessica get yourself out of this. I looked up and saw they hadn't put a roof on the place. I smiled a wicked smile and jumped with alot of power in my legs and got up to the top. My hands had the top of the cage as a light shined on me. "Holy shit!" One of them cursed as I pulled myself over the top and landed on the other side. "Willie!! Get back here!!" Yelled one of them.

I turned and saw a man running at me. I bolted at a blazing speed. I looked around for an escape. Not one in site. I looked back and saw he was gaining. When I turned back there was a huge wall in front of me. A huge rock wall. I stopped quickly and looked behind me. He was getting close.

"Over here Jessica." Said a voice it was deeper then mine but not by that much. I turned to look at who ever said my name and say a boy and his friends. It took me a second to understand everything. "Trace!!" I whisper/yelled.

"Yes now get over here." He growled. "I could always let them find you." I knew he was joking but the thought scared me. I ran over to them. As the man was gaining on me. Me, Trace, and his friends were hid in behind one of the large rocks. We waited for a few minutes then we heard a crash of a tree and it went silent. I looked and saw the man under a tree that fell. He was unconscious. "How?"

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