Chapter 3

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"What do we do?" Trace was normally making this big deal out of things before but this I couldn't take. I turned and looked him in the face. He didn't seem to see me so I pinned him against the wall. That got his attention. "We help him." I told him sternly.

"What no way." He protested

"If you want me to put your ass in a hole and leave you there then fine. Have it your way."

He opened his mouth to speak again but he shut it.

"Fine! But if we get caught it's your fault!" He whisper/yelled.

We went over to the fallen man and the tree that trapped him. "On 3 lift. K?"
They all nodded. "1. 2. 3!" We all lifted as hard as we could I put more strength in lifting the log then I have anywhere. SNAP! It broke in half. I looked at Trace and he looked back at me. I shrugged as we moved the log.

"You have to make sure he's okay dont you?" Asked one of his friends. I nodded as we rolled him on his back. I saw he was still breathing. Then I heard something say

"Stay away from my family." It sounded so familiar but so inhuman. "WILLIE!" Yelled one of his team members. "Shit lets get out of here." I whispered then I got up and pulled Trace and his friend back behind the big rock. "Go I will be there with you shortly." They nodded to me and then they ran. 5 boys with you moron. I looked back at the rock. Foot holds were few but I managed to get up on top of the rock as his group arrived. "Willie!!" The one yelled again. They all looked around until they saw the log. "Someone must have moved it off of him." The leader said. "But who Trapper?" The biggest one asked. (Big as in tall.)

"That girl more in likely Huckleberry." Trapper said back.

"Why? What motive did she have to get it off him?"

"Who knows. Bill is Willie alright?" Trapped turned to the man leaning over Willie.

"I'm fine thanks to that girl." Willie managed to say.

"Guys I have someone on the thermal on the top of that big rock!" One of the others yelled. I quickly realized that they were talking about me. So I jumped off the rock and ran as fast as I could away but when I found a good sized tree I carved in it, woth my mothers daggers, Sorry for the hunt hope I could have more then saving your team member. And at the end of the message I wrote. Didn't mean to set your trap off accident.


That is what I call myself whenever I leave a message for anyone I didn't know and had done them wrong. Then I ran farther until I ran into...

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