Chapter 5 (Short)

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It had been a week since I seen that man. Or at least I think it was a man. I hadn't been able to sleep since then, he plagued my dreams.  The look he gave me chilled me to the bone, something about him......scared me. Willie had been doing very well since his accident, everyone had been but me. If I just wouldn't have seen that guy I would be fine. Now we are on the road Cherokee County North Carolina and I was trying to doze off in the passenger seat. I was about to sleep when I seen those demonic eye came back into my head. I almost jolted up out of the seat.  Willie looked over at me with a look of concern, he's been the only one to notice my lack of sleep. I started to zone out when he grabbed my shoulder.

"Bill are you okay? You haven't been sleeping right. You won't eat, you hardly try to be near us. So what is wrong?" He asked me having pulled the truck over. I bent my head down not answering him. He had asked this question so many times before but I was far too stubborn to tell him what happened. It was just a figment of my imagination right? There was no way it could've been real. That guy couldn't have been real. There was no way, I was just really tired that night. I felt Willie's grip tighten on my shoulder to bring me back out of my thoughts. Rubbing my tired eyes I looked back at him. I couldn't keep it in anymore, not about what happened that night or any of the nights after. So I told him, I told him everything. Once I started to tell him I couldn't stop. He listened to every word I spoke and never interrupted me. When I was done I was almost shaking. He rubbed my shoulder and ran a hand over his face. 

"We'll get to the bottom of this Bill, don't worry. Until then you need to get some sleep. I'll wake you up when we get there." He spoke slowly almost contemplating what to do already. I just nodded, way to tired to argue back and leaned the seat back. It didn't take long for me to fall asleep again. No nightmares which worried me more then actually having them. I could hear the quiet hum of the radio as I drifted into a deeper sleep, silently hoping that the girl would show up again. Maybe she was the key to all of this. Maybe she could help me. As the truck started to move again I could feel myself falling deeper and deeper into sleep till there was no more noise and no more light.

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