Chapter 7

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It had been two days since I'd seen her in the woods. Not long after the others had found me, I blacked out again. It was so strange I woke up hardly remembering I even went into the woods. I remember her eyes though, pale hazel dull from being worn out.  Something was strangely different about her. She seemed almost like a ghost. It was so weird. Now I'm here in the woods again without the guys, a gun, or any weapon. I felt free but my body was so weak. I hadn't been eating right. Everytime I would try it never seemed to stay down. I woke up in the middle of the night having ate nothing but a few rolls and puked them up. My stomach didn't growl for food either. It just turned and twisted at the thought.

Rustling behind me told me I wasn't alone. I turned to see her but she wasn't alone, next to her was a huge red wolf. When I say huge I mean huge. It was every bit of 15 feet at the shoulder it's eyes deep brown and teeth well over a foot long. I gulped as it snarled at me.

"Don't worry he wont hurt you. In case you were wondering he's about 24 feet tall. Teeth measure to about 2 feet in length. Don't worry though he's just here to insure my safety." She sounded sweet but the wolf just glared at me.

"Safe from what?" I asked trying to calm my trembling voice. She glanced at the wolf before leaning in to him and looking at me.

"The woods aren't safe at night, you shouldn't be here. Go back to bed you'll feel better in the morning. By then your guy's trap should be ready."

"Wait how did you know about the trap? I never told you about it, nor did you even ask." I started to get wary of her, she wasn't making much sense. But instead of answering me she simply shook her head and muttered to the wolf quietly.

"There's is so much he doesn't know and so much he can't know yet." Louder she spoke to me. "Go back to bed, more will be revealed tomorrow. You'll understand more." She grew silent starring up at the half moon until the wolf gently pressed his nose into her. She looked at him then to me. "There is a lot going on right now that may scare you but I promise that everything will make sense in time just be patient. This wolf is your first sight at what can be out there. You will be seeing him again, sometimes it will be me, sometimes him, or both of us or neither. Just don't come out at night again. It's not safe out."

With that she turned and walked away. The wolf waited for a second before turning and padding after her. For something so big it was silent. I wanted to stay out longer but her words lingered in my head so I listened and left. The size of that wolf was unbelievable but the more unbelievable thing was how calm and docile it was. As I got to the door of my hotel I stopped. What was that thing? And why was she so calm near it? Could it be there was more to that wolf then what he could see?  


Sorry it was short again guys, these thoughts aren't easy to come up with. School is making it even worse to try and get chapters done so I'm sorry that chapters haven't been coming out as quick as I want or as ya'll want. Thank you for your patience and as always please comment your questions, comments, or concerns. Until Next Time. Peace Out.

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