Chapter 6 (Short)

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I couldn't see anything. It was so dark but my eyes were wide open. Slowly my eyes adjusted and I seen trees. I could hear the owls sounding to each other. How did I get here? This is a forest. I was just in Willie's truck so there is no way I could've slept walked here. Willie wouldn't have let me anyways. Why is it so dark? It was morning when I fell asleep, surely I didn't sleep that long right? A faint rustle in the bushes broke my thoughts. I whipped around to find that girl standing there. Her long blond hair blew softly as a small breeze came through. Why did this all feel real? 

"This isn't where you need to be" Her voice was soft and gentle but real urgency was behind it. She met my gaze and I could tell she was worried? Why worry about me?

"I don't even know where here is." I admit as I looked down. "I opened my eyes and found myself here. Where am I?" I looked up at her again silently begging this to be all a dream. But as she sigh and run a hand through my hair I knew it wasn't. 

"You saw him didn't you? His red eyes now haunt your dreams. I know cause I have them too. That is how you got here. As for where you are that's simple, you're in Cherokee County. Home of the Cherokee Death Cat. Large beast she is but harmless nonetheless." 

"Wait she? Harmless?" 

"Yes she and very much so harmless. She doesn't want to hurt anyone but she has been here longer than we have. WE stole her territory and we hunt her food. So she hunts ours." 

I nod as this girl starts to make sense. I look at her with some new found respect.

"You're what 5 foot? How can you do this?" 

"I'm 5 foot 2 thank you very much. And I know more than you think."

"I'm sorry I didn't think many others even dared to come out here." 

She smiled softly. I seen a look go through her eyes that I couldn't explain before she shook her head. 

"You should get out of here. This isn't a place to be wondering. Your friends are already out there looking for you."

She turned to walk away but I couldn't let her. There was too much I needed to ask.

"Wait! I can't leave you out here. I've got so many questions." I couldn't tell if it was panic or fear in my voice but either way she gave me a small smile and shook her head. Without another word she vanished back into the undergrowth. I turned to look around but it was so dark I couldn't see much. I suddenly grew exhausted and sat next to a tree. As I started to fall asleep I heard laughter. Sick twisted laughter. Jolting up from the tree I seen those horrifying red eyes and that demented smile. Moonlight gleamed off of the knife that was in his left hand. Blood dripping down it and onto the forest floor below. Both of us stood still, almost without breathing. But as soon as he lunged towards me I bolted. I couldn't see where I was going, overtaken by fear. I never saw the drop-off, not even when I was falling. All's I could think about was getting away from that man. My body slammed into the ground, my head hitting a rock, and as my vision began to fail I could see a dark figure come up to me. This was the end of me, I hope the others will be okay without me... Goodbye cruel world.

Hey guys I'm sorry y'all had to wait for so long for this chapter. I know it's short but I've been busy with school so updates may continue to be slow. Please post in the comments which Mountain Monster you'd like to be featured in this book. Until Next Time. Peace Out!

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