Chapter 8 (Very Short)

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*Willy's pov*

As I woke up the next morning my stomach growled. I felt like I was starving but I didn't want to get up. Everything was so strange now, between Bill not feeling right, to this hunt. Nothing was going how I had thought it would. Slowly I got up and got dressed, I still needed to finish the trap and with Bill not able to help it was taking longer then usual. Quickly making some breakfast I go out into the woods. It was eerily quiet today, fog surrounded me as I got to the trap. It was so thick I could hardly see the trap in front of me. Branches crackled around me making me nervous. A large snap caught my attention. Turning towards the sound I notice something in the fog. Straining to see it I take a step forward. A deep threatening growl rumbled from the fog. It sounded like it was all around me. As I took another step forward, red fur flashed in the corner of my eye.Quickly I turned my head as a massive red wolf jumped at me. My body froze but the wolf simply jumped over me and disappeared into the fog once more. I couldn't stop shaking from fear. It was massive and from the looks of it, didn't look like any normal kind of wolf I had ever seen. Quickly I ran out of the woods, shook up I got to my truck. Without hesitation I started my truck and drove off. Calling Buck to tell him about what happened, he couldn't believe it either.

When I met up with the rest of the team and told them what I seen, only Bill didn't seem shocked about the wolf.

"Alright then we need to hunt that thing." Buck stated clearly shaken from the news. "That was too close it needs to know we won't be intimidated by it. We are the Aims team! This monster is no different from the rest of them."

"And that is where you are so mistakenly wrong."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2019 ⏰

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