TDM Workshop

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Since it's now summer, your parents will probably FORCE you to clean up your room.

Do you have that draw of makeup, that's FULL and unorganized? Or that draw full of clutter ?

Well Captain Mimi is here to help you!

Today I will be helping you guys clean that draw full of clutter / makeup !

What you need ;

{That draw full of Makeup / Clutter Boxes of different sizes.

{ cereal boxes , any kind of small box

note; you will need more then 5 boxes (unless they're big to fit your clutter draw.)

{Colored Paper

{ preferably cardstock with a poppy design [ polko dots]

{ Glue or Double Sided Tape Scissors or a Exact-o Knife

{ a cutting thing used to cut cardboard boxes :)

{ Sharpie Black Marker

{Stepiess ( loves :) )

1. Take out your clutter draw out from it's dresser or whatever it's in.

2. Take out all the things of your clutter draw

3. With your cereal Boxes etc. Rearrange your boxes so they all fit snug in place. Put them sideways, straight , vertical ght , vertical , anyway that fits them all in.

4. When you get all of them snug in there place. Take your Black Sharpie Marker and mark where the sides come side to side with there draw. { example : mark/ draw a line to the side where your draw goes up too. Make it go all around your box }

5. With your sissors / exact- o knife. Cut around your boxes where you marked or drew your line.

6. When done. Grab some colourful paper. And glue / use double sided tape to tape / glue your paper around and in your box.

7. Embellish your boxes even more.

8. When done put your boxes back snug in your draw and rearrange your things back in place.

9. That should of helped you organize your Clutter Draw !

key necklaces:

Key necklaces are really cute and easy to make here is what you need to make a key necklace!

You need: old keys (a variety of different types), some chain or ribbon, nail polish , glitter.

This is a really simply craft and can be done in 5 minutes. Once you have your keys paint them using nail polish you can us different colours and patterns. You can leave you're keys like this or you could add some glitter. Once it is dry put them on your chain or ribbon. You could use multiple keys or just one!

Tips: you could write your name or little quotes on your keys!

Thread wrapped earphones:

This is a easy craft and makes your earphones really cool ! All you need I earphones and coloured thread. It's a bit time consuming but there's a great result. Just wrap your thread around the earphone wires.

Tips: you could use beads as well!

I know it's the summer but there is lots of cool crafts that make school a little bit more fun!

You could decorate notebooks and folders with cute stickers and lots more!

Thank you for reading , Captain Mimi signing off! ding , Captain Mimi signing off!

Teenage Dream Magazine Issue 1 August 2013Where stories live. Discover now